My friend has a 2005 Ponderosa 3 Horse Slant Load. It is all steel and I think it is an Eclipse model. The problem is: We cannot find the sticker on the tongue that has weight of the trailer on it. We have looked on-line and we can't find the weight there either. Does anyone here know how much that thing weighs? We want to make sure that the truck she has now is appropriate to haul with... Thanks for the help!
Posted 2012-09-16 9:15 PM (#147018 - in reply to #147014) Subject: RE: Ponderosa Trailer Weight
Posts: 3853 Location: Vermont
Originally written by LoveJubal on 2012-09-16 12:58 PM
My friend has a 2005 Ponderosa 3 Horse Slant Load. It is all steel and I think it is an Eclipse model. The problem is: We cannot find the sticker on the tongue that has weight of the trailer on it. We have looked on-line and we can't find the weight there either. Does anyone here know how much that thing weighs? We want to make sure that the truck she has now is appropriate to haul with... Thanks for the help!
Can't you haul it over to the scales and weigh it?
Posted 2012-09-17 8:43 PM (#147035 - in reply to #147014) Subject: RE: Ponderosa Trailer Weight
Posts: 5
Location: Smithfield, VA
Thanks for the help! I finally realized (DUH!!) that the weight of the trailer is on the Virginia Registration! We are such girls :)We may still go over to the scales anyway to get an accurate weight... Thanks again.
Posted 2012-09-17 10:02 PM (#147037 - in reply to #147014) Subject: RE: Ponderosa Trailer Weight
Elite Veteran
Posts: 610 Location: Northern CA
You still need to hit the scales anyways to know exact weight of trailer. Most of the weights marked are without trailer mats, the divider, rear saddle rack and any other options that may come with it. Take it to the scales. Your local dump will have scales and weigh it for you.