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What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers

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Last activity 2012-08-30 10:18 PM
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Reg. Mar 2006
Posted 2012-08-29 10:24 PM (#146715)
Subject: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers


Posts: 17

Location: MO
Husband calls me tonite, tells me someone he is working with has a 32 foot, 3 horse slant, with tack room and LQ for sale. Its from the 1990's (maybe later 90's? doesn't know year off hand or brand), it is currently gray primer as he was going to have it painted to match his truck. Has mats in the back, sink, toilet, no cooktop. I think he said it has a generator,no AC. Has a luggage (?) rack, hay rack Not sure of rest of details. So when I ask how much...he tells me $2,000. I say whats wrong with it? Leaks? What? The guy is going to be retiring, suffers from RA and can't ride anymore, got a good deal, wants to pass it along...It has been sitting unused for 3 years. I only have a 2 horse BP straight load that has the axle that runs through the interior of the horse area (think of an encased ground pole laying across the floor that horses step front legs over), and of course am now down to 1 horse who doesn't like my trailer anyway. (my almost 4 yr old daughter is interested in horses so maybe down the road there may be another horse)Hubby has no interest in horses for the most part, and this is the only way he would 'go camping', and thinks its worth checking this trailer out.What on earth do I need to look for, ask about, need to know maintenance wise/upkeep. Is this even a smart deal? I really only use my trailer a few times a year to go to fun shows, but have talked with friends about going camping and it just hasn't happened.We would have to have a ball for the gooseneck hitch installed, and I guess permanently remove the tonough cover. Oh, we have a chevy silverado 2500HD duramax diesel, is that enough to pull something like this?HELP! This is way above my knowledge level and I don't even know where to begin!!!
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Reg. Oct 2010
Posted 2012-08-29 10:48 PM (#146716 - in reply to #146715)
Subject: RE: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers


Posts: 259
Location: Topeka Ks
It is worth a look. First thoughts is does your truck have a gooseneck ball? The unit has been setting for 3 years which means tires and possibly brake work in the near future. The lq check the operation of equipment. Note any repairs needed and then see if hubby wants project. With an lq you loose so much space for gear see if the tack area is acceptable. Good luck.
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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2012-08-30 1:31 AM (#146717 - in reply to #146715)
Subject: RE: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 504

I'd look at it.  What is the 35' measurement?  That's very long for what you are describing so I'm wondering if that is including the box and the goosneck. I'd definitely look at it, and then depending on the length, I'd consider it for your uses.  Now, others here will know more than I, but I bought a 4 horse head to head to fix up once.  I happened to be on a great forum with body repair people (very nice people) and asked them about primer and paint.  Many primers are not water tight, and even the ones that are needed to have the paint applied within a certain, short time frame.  I'm thinking that you will have to start over on the paint job, and resand and reapply primer.  I'd say that's not a big deal, but I ended up selling my project without ever fixing it up. I simply did not have enough time/energy, though I would have found it pleasant to do.  It sounds like a great deal.  Cost out the primer, paint and clearcoat, though, as it may surprise you how much it costs.

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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2012-08-30 1:33 AM (#146718 - in reply to #146715)
Subject: RE: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 504
Sorry, I meant 32' rather than 35'.
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Reg. Mar 2006
Posted 2012-08-30 7:46 AM (#146724 - in reply to #146715)
Subject: RE: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers


Posts: 17

Location: MO
I think he said it had a rust inhibitor primer if that makes any kind of difference...i think it has a small frig, cowboy shower? (i think he said it has a hose and could wash horse?) And mn ot sure what kind of toilet. Will get a pic today
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Reg. Dec 2009
Posted 2012-08-30 10:18 PM (#146735 - in reply to #146715)
Subject: RE: What to look for/ask when looking at used LQ trailers

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 373
Location: Texas
if you like projects, and do not mind finding that you need to fix "one more thing" then I'd take a look.

Crawl under it and look for bad rust on frame and under carriage. Stick a sharp knife tip in wood on floor and if it sinks really easy, chance is the wood is bad.

I'd not worry much about what was wrong with the LQ part, as that will most likely need some attention. But the frame, floor, rust are things that can make it unsafe to use without some work

is measurement including the bed, or just the "floor". if that is just the floor, thats gonna be a heavy trailer
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