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Not to ruffle any feathers but.....

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Last activity 2008-02-28 11:41 AM
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2008-02-27 3:44 PM (#78131 - in reply to #75688)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan

Flying- I am glad you described the hen house..a commercial hen house no less. See, real farmers keep animals in a environment that will keep the  animals healthy. It might not be what we PEOPLE think will be comfortable but trust me, the animals generally are. the fact is, farming is about profit. The cows are not pets, we don't name them and except for the usual milking and animal care, we don't see them. When a cow no longer makes us money ( and we do everythng we can to keep her around) she is shipped to slaughter. She isn't retired to the back 40 to live out the rest of her days. Thats farming. hogs, chicken,cattle- they are raised for profit in doign so, consumers have meat and milk in the stores.

There are some who won't eat meat or milk because they don't think animals should be raised for slaughter. Thats fine...but don't tell me I can't eat meat. There is the problem- these NUTS are trying to do just that. Me thinks the video is just one of the tools they use to force about changes in society, namely passing laws dictating animal care.......

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Reg. Mar 2004
Posted 2008-02-27 4:01 PM (#78132 - in reply to #75688)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 1205
Location: Arkansas
We have beef cattle, horses, cats, dogs, mules.  The cattle all have ear tags, and we refer to them by their #....such as, watch out for 15, she's got a new calf, and will sure'nuff get ya if you blunder too close.  There is one cow #1! who has a name, "Moneybags", hence named by me to enhance her profitable sounding status.  She is a good cow, follow you anywhere, calm, is a good influence to put with a nervous heifer penned up to have a first calf, can be milked out in the pasture, etc.  She is running 50% on her calf crops, 1rst one was huge, had to be major pulled, and was dying upon arrival.  Kept #1 anyway, and she had a nice bull calf this last spring, and is bred back.  She is in the pen now with our new nervous bull, to calm him and keep him company til we turn him out with the herd (We try to time our calving for a uniform calf crop....doesn't always work!!)  When it is time to move em, I will turn em into a 97 acre pasture, call ol moneybags who will come at the trot to the feed bunk...stragetically located in a catch pen with a loading chute... the bull will follow her and thus, easily caught and loaded stress free and safely moved to the breeding pasture!
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-02-28 7:21 AM (#78176 - in reply to #75688)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 219
Location: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

Just read an article and said that one school found and destroyed 18 cases of the tainted meat that was sent out.  The district was notified Feb 4.  Did anyone else read about other schools or places finding and destroying the meat?  Just wondering?   


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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2008-02-28 9:16 AM (#78188 - in reply to #75688)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
There is a local school here that also had to throw out a case of beef. What  a waste.......
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-02-28 11:27 AM (#78198 - in reply to #78188)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 1877
Location: NY
factory farming is not a tree huge's word it is farming were the animals are jammed in to a small area  the air quilt is bad the food feed is sub-pare on some are given hormone to make them grow faster. from birth to death is too fast, if you were to raise your  own meat you would take care to feed and keep the animal healthy so the meat come out right
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Reg. Mar 2004
Posted 2008-02-28 11:41 AM (#78205 - in reply to #75688)
Subject: RE: Not to ruffle any feathers but.....


Posts: 1205
Location: Arkansas
Well, we eat what we grow, so ours get fresh good food, have land to run around on, and no hormones, just vax and wormed.  This also makes us the most money when we sell calves.  We do give antibiotics if one gets sick.  Usually have to doctor one or two a year.   We do have 3 cow dogs, one is a heeler, she has great patience and will stand poised inches from a cow waiting (and hoping) she will be allowed to make it move, she is very useful in close quarters and in moving cattle down the alley.  One has the job of keeping the cattle out from under the round bale when we transport it on the front of the tractor to the feeding area, (she lives for this job!) and the other is a work in progress!
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