Posted 2014-03-21 8:49 PM (#158201 - in reply to #158186) Subject: RE: HORSE TESTING COSTS
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 430 Location: TN
Why are they not paying for the costs now? I would think you have to pay to play. I most recently showed cutting horses and you have to pay a drug fee on every entry. I live close to Penn National and have worked Penn National, Parx, Pocono Downs, and Delaware Park as a sales rep for a world wide company. I have NEVER seen such a corrupt industry as horse racing!
Posted 2014-09-25 6:48 AM (#160915 - in reply to #158186) Subject: RE: HORSE TESTING COSTS
New User
Posts: 1
Location: United states
Why are they not paying for the expenses now? I would think you need to pay to play. I most as of late indicated slicing stallions and you need to pay a medication charge on every passage. I live near Penn National and have worked Penn National, Parx, Pocono Downs, and Delaware Park as a deals rep for an overall organization. I have NEVER seen such a degenerate industry as steed hustling!
Posted 2015-02-01 9:45 PM (#162437 - in reply to #158186) Subject: RE: HORSE TESTING COSTS
New User
Posts: 1
Location: fsdj
I most recently showed cutting horses and you have to pay a drug fee on every entry. I live close to Penn National and have worked Penn National, Parx, Pocono Downs, and Delaware Park as a sales rep for a world wide company...??