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Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?

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Last activity 2014-11-12 12:00 PM
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Reg. Nov 2014
Posted 2014-11-10 2:19 PM (#161491)
Subject: Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?

New User

Posts: 1

Location: McLoud
I'm new here, but thought it might be the place to be to look for answers to some of my questions, as I have searched for videos but with no luck. I have been dead set on getting a slant load trailer, however, I recently came across an excellent deal for a Head to Head center load, and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with them. There are several really interesting features that I like about them, such as how interchangable they are, the fact that the center aisle is large enough for a 5th horse or mare and foal, the individual stalls can be converted into box stalls, etc. A few things I'm unsure of are the lack of tack storage. In the gooseneck of the particular trailer I'm looking at, there is a 4' dressing room, which would probably leave some room for a saddle rack, but it looks like it would be tight. I was leaning against getting a slant trailer with rear tack because they typically take up so much space in the last stall, and if the trailer came with a rear tack I figured I'd probably keep it collapsed most of the time anyway- BUT, I've been told for resale value that it is best to have a rear tack... I'm assuming that this does not apply to a head to head though. The other concern is getting the horses into the individual stalls. How does that work? The trailer I'm looking at does not have a rear exit/ entry, it has side entrance (one on each side of the trailer)... all of my personal horses are very well trailer trained, however, I have a hard time picturing them being excited about backing into the stalls, lol... Has anyone ever experienced this to be more complicated than just shoving them into their slants and locking it shut as you crawl out under them? Any experience or advice is much appreciated- thanks!! :-)
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Reg. Jun 2007
Posted 2014-11-10 4:43 PM (#161493 - in reply to #161491)
Subject: RE: Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?


Posts: 140
Location: NM
The ones I've used (many years ago) we backed the horses into the stalls. Didn't seem like too big a deal. We would hang a bag of hay between the horses. For the life of me I can't remember where we stored saddles - maybe in the center aisle. Sorry - too long ago!

In reference to your shoving them into their slants and locking it shut as you crawl out under them - I for sure wouldn't recommend crawling under them - not sure why anyone would do that w/a slant load and I've never seen anyone do that...
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2014-11-10 4:49 PM (#161494 - in reply to #161491)
Subject: RE: Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
This is what I'm familiar with...tackroom is in front with a ramp and the rear three stalls can be loaded from side or rear...:) http://www.horsetrailerworld.com/home/trailerdetail.asp?ID=504203
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Reg. Jun 2007
Posted 2014-11-11 11:40 AM (#161508 - in reply to #161491)
Subject: RE: Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?


Posts: 140
Location: NM
Much nicer these days! Ours from the late 70s/early 80s didn't have the rear load option. The only doors were on the sides. We would load three horses to the rear or front stalls 1st (backing into the 6 stalls) and we could put 2 horses in the aisle way between the 2 sets of stalls - so those 2 would stand front to back perpendicular to the roadway. Always hung a lot of hay nets to keep them busy ;) I don't remember any injuries but the horses usually knew each other well and we were careful where we put them in the trailer.
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Reg. Sep 2009
Posted 2014-11-12 12:00 PM (#161525 - in reply to #161491)
Subject: RE: Head to Head Trailers- anyone have any experience with them?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 330
Location: northeast Texas
I guess it depends on where you live, but those kind of trailers sure do look hot to me. I live in Texas, and we require max air flow in summer!
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