I own a 3 horse bumper pull horsetrailer which was custom built for me by Hi-Tech Trailer manufacturing out of Canada back in 1997. I have recently been trying to get in touch with the manufacturer to obtain some replacement parts - which I have been unsuccessful in doing so. I'm assuming they have gone out of business - but does anyone know ~why~ and when? Does anyone know how I could get parts for it (specifically rubber bumpers and another sliding bus type window that matches the others.)
Posted 2012-05-19 10:58 PM (#144073 - in reply to #143918) Subject: RE: Hi-Tech trailers
New User
Posts: 1
Location: Alberta Canada
Did you ever find the manufacturer of your trailer? I just bought a 1995 Hi-Tech 4- horse gooseneck with a broken door latch. I'm trying to repair it but might need to replace it. My locksmith figured I should contact the manufacturer for a replacement.