I've got a two horse trailer - bought it new about six years ago.
It has a wood floor that came from the factory painted.
Since the floor is already painted with some kind of paint (it's just white with a flat finish) I think I'll have to paint it to give it some extra protection right? Point being I couldn't put a water seal on it unless I stripped the paint currently on there off?
If I paint it - would it be ok to put some kind of oil-based paint on it to give it more protection?
I do have good heavy mats over the floor as well and have from the get-go.
Heck - I'm wondering how hard it would be to just replace the floor?
My hubby is very good at stuff like that - this is a CM Dakota trailer - think it's 16' long and 6' wide.
How horrible a job is replacing a wood flooring yourself? Do you use pressure treated wood? Any special tips/things to know if I go that route?
Posted 2011-12-01 10:50 PM (#139256 - in reply to #139242) Subject: RE: Trailer floor question
Posts: 1877 Location: NY
I just wanted to say welcome- My question is why do you wont to replace the floor is it bad? to test it use a screwdriver and look for wood rot it you find any then the floor should be replaced, If you replace the floor I would treat the wood first so you can get both side and ends
Posted 2011-12-03 7:14 AM (#139278 - in reply to #139242) Subject: RE: Trailer floor question
Posts: 32 Location: TX
First of all, in the past 6 years, how have you maintained your trailer? Have you taken the mats out on a regular basis? Washed it out and let it dry completely before replacing the mats? I pull my mats AT LEAST once every 6 months; in between, I make sure I sweep out the trailer every time I use it. If you have maintained your trailer, you shouldn't have to replace the floor. I would check the wood as mentioned above, make sure no rotting has occurred. Replacing the wood floor is doable, and yes, you should use treated lumber.