Posted 2007-01-15 9:50 AM (#53886) Subject: horse trailer conversions
New User
Posts: 2
Location: la
Can anyone give me some names of different conversion companies or people that do conversions. I have a 2007 Cimmarron with an 8 foot shortwall. The cheapest place that I have found in Bunkhouse in texas but they do not seem open to many options. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 2007-01-15 11:48 AM (#53890 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 54 Location: IL. 260-768-7200 Tom Blessing. We just went to the factory last week to design and pick out fabric for our new trailer,they did the conversion in our last trailer and they do great work at a fair price.I think they are updating the website so they offer more than what is on the current site.As a bonus they are located in the middle af amish country,my wife loved all the different shops I loved the food.
Posted 2007-01-15 12:16 PM (#53892 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 346
call Warrior Industries and ask for craig. they have a web site just search that name. They were alot cheaper than outlaw and just as competitive as alot of cheaper LQ companies. They also use only solid wood.
Posted 2007-01-15 4:07 PM (#53900 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 6
Be sure to check out JNJ Conversions (1-877-848-5202). They are a custom LQ Company that ships LQ's Nation wide. By far one of the best LQ's I've Seen! There is a link for them and many other LQ Companies on this website. If you go to the Trailer Companies link above, and then select Trailer Conversions, it will take you to a page of different companies.
Posted 2007-01-15 4:16 PM (#53901 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 13
Location: wichita, ks
None of the companies come close in quality and attention to detail as that of G2 Conversions in Kansas. They don't advertise but they had several at the NFR this year and I'm sure would email you pictures. I will email contact information to you!
Posted 2007-01-16 1:20 PM (#53943 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 383 Location: Texas
I second conversions-LLC. Tom is very good to work with and they did a great job on my trailer last year. I believe there is also a Bunkhouse in Alabama, might check them out.
Posted 2007-01-19 7:57 PM (#54121 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 44 Location: Pineville Missouri
Talk to Randy Layne in Washburn Missouri-Country Pride Interiors. Cell 417-489-3008 Do beautiful work- will work with you. Give them a call. They have my trailer now.
Posted 2007-01-21 3:14 PM (#54193 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 102 Location: Cartersvillle, Georgia
Is that the sme Tom Blessing that worked at Showtime Conversions in Middlebery, Ind?? If so he is great. Where did you say the Conversions,LLC is and is that his place?
Posted 2007-01-21 6:56 PM (#54202 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 54 Location: IL.
Yes, that's the same guy,we drove out to Shipshewana 2 weeks ago and he personally gave us a tour of the plant and several trailers to look at from start to finish,when we left we were confident our money was well spent! I can't wait to see our new trailer. Tom Blessing Shipshewana IN 1-260-768-7200
Posted 2007-02-02 8:24 PM (#54948 - in reply to #53890) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
New User
Posts: 1
Location: Freehold, NJ 07728
I tried several times to go to, but got a bunch of unrelated sites. Any other suggestions? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated!
Posted 2007-02-03 9:02 AM (#54972 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Posts: 54 Location: IL.
Donna,just talked to Tom at conversions the day before,what a swell bunch of people.building a trailer is like building a house and they have kept me informed every step of the way, i'm looking at his card as i type so here it goes 1-260-768-7200
Posted 2007-02-05 1:12 PM (#55091 - in reply to #53886) Subject: RE: horse trailer conversions
Elite Veteran
Posts: 781 Location: La Cygne, KS
I've had three conversions done by Jim Lightner from Quality Trailers, LLC. Each time I got a little larger trailer upto my 16 foot shortwall Elite trailer. He uses real wood and solid oak cabinets and will work with you on any design you have in mind. Plus his costs are very resonable. He works out of his home, but don't let that scare you. He has done lots of conversions from a small tack room to 18 foot short wall. He also sells LQ Elite trailers. Might want to check him out. His number in Grain Valley, MO is 816-566-3562.