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New axles vs. blocking

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Last activity 2024-02-14 9:00 AM
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Reg. Nov 2009
Posted 2024-02-10 2:52 PM (#185681)
Subject: New axles vs. blocking


Posts: 25
Location: Southern Virginia
I've got a tall(er) Ram pickup and an older (1996) Sundowner LQ, and have the issue like so many other folks, that I can't get it level.

I've had the axles blocked on another rig (unfortunately the guy that did that has since retired)...When I inquired with another shop, they said I might consider getting new axles on the trailer, with a dropped angle to give me the extra height. Thoughts on this? I searched the archives and didn't see this recommendation. 

I'm wondering if that might be the best route because the trailer is older - preventative maintenance if you will? The axles are currently welded on. 

Appreciate any insight! 
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2024-02-14 9:00 AM (#185684 - in reply to #185681)
Subject: RE: New axles vs. blocking

Elite Veteran

Posts: 804
Location: Tenn/Ala.
Well, there should be many things considered on this. With welded on axles (which isn't generally done anymore as they were a pain to replace) removing them to block them won't make any difference whether you install the old ones or new ones. So I'd consider the age, mileage for wear, and anything else as to usage etc. Those axles are pushing 30 years old and will have some sag as well.

So- in my opinion, if the trailer is nice, I'd seriously consider replacing them while I was doing this. A new 7K Torflex axle is close to $1000 for a bare beam, or you can buy it complete with new brakes/hub/bearings. Yours are likely 22.5 degrees up, so by going 22.5 degrees down I believe you'll gain about 45". Spend some time on the Dexter website to verify that.

One other item that pops up- you've raised the horse loading & peoplke entry door steps as well. And a regular rear ramp gets steep on a blocked trailer, so Sundowner offers a taller ramp if that comes to play but ramps aren't inexpensive either.
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