Posted 2014-06-10 8:20 AM (#159405) Subject: aluminum battery box
Posts: 97
Location: mancelona michigan
I pulled the batteries on our new to us Merhow AlumaStar LQ yesterday and discovered that they had been stored over a winter totally discharged. One of them froze and split giveing the bat box a acid bath.You couldnt see this from the outside.Anyway, I scrubbed it out with soda untill it quit foaming,then went back over it with the acid wash I got for the trailer exterior.All the pits are clean but it left a white powdery residue that I brushed off with a stainless steel Tig brush.My plan is to vacume the loose powder out and spray the inside of the box with bedliner about 1/2 way up. Does all of this sound like a good plan? anyone else have this happen?