I need to haul a weanling home in my slant load trailer. He has never been hauled before and is barley halter broke. I think the best thing to do would be to remove the dividers and just herd him in a let he be on the ride home. What do you think?
Posted 2008-11-15 10:05 PM (#94956 - in reply to #94955) Subject: RE: Removing dividers
Posts: 85 Location: Ocala, FL
If you have a stud or mare/foal divider that goes all the way to the floor, leave that in and give him that space. He definitely needs to be loose in the trailer and not have the 1/2 dividers in there so he can get hurt. On the other hand if you don't have to give him the whole trailer, don't. Give him just a box stall if you can with the "full" divider.