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trailer wiring & plug

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Last activity 2008-04-04 8:52 AM
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Reg. Sep 2007
Posted 2008-04-04 8:52 AM (#81139)
Subject: trailer wiring & plug


Posts: 53
Location: Grand Rapids, OH
Are all horse trailers wired the same as in the wires in the plug that goes into the truck? We are having wiring problems with our Titan 2H BP. We have only used it twice and everything worked (as far as we know) but the interior lights did not. We went to use it last week and nothing worked. The wires/plug look brand new and are not corroded. I contacted the dealer and they emailed me instrcutions on how the wires should be set up, which is the same as our C&C but the Titan does not work when wired the same way. Then we switched some wires around and we could get everything to work except the clearance lights and interior. Then we moved them around again and we could get the clearance lights and brake lights to work but not blinkers (they looked like hazards). Per the dealer the interior light is a blue wire which is cut off on both the plug and battery connections. It was done at the manufac. I assume. What in the world is the problem? It's not like we can take it anywhere and of course the dealer won't get back to me on the issue since their first response. Thanks!
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