Posted 2016-04-16 1:38 PM (#166797) Subject: 2009 Kiefer GN and 2012 Ford F250
New User
Posts: 4
hi we are considering purchasing a 2009 Kiefer Grand Prix 2 horse GN SL; according to vin breakdown the "GP" indicates this trailer is a Low-Pro Gooseneck & Pintle Hooks type. not really sure what that means so would like to ask, does anyone have this combination trailer/truck type or similar types and if you can haul without issues or were modifications needed so as not to scratch or damage truck/trailer and not put excess pressure on the trailer axles/wheels if the trailer couldn't sit level for hauling.i.e. as if we would have to get a special V tailgate or even remove our tailgate to haul this gooseneck trailer? With newer trucks being so much higher we am not sure if this would be an issue or notthanks in advance