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What's the lastest and greatest?

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Last activity 2011-03-03 5:58 PM
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2011-03-03 5:58 PM (#131110)
Subject: What's the lastest and greatest?


Posts: 121
Location: MO
OK, I'm pretty sure I got all the leaks fixed. Now I need to address the staining on the interior ceiling and walls. While I'm at it, I'm going to do some other 'improvements' and want to hear suggestions from you folks in the know.

Ceiling and walls in my trailer are made of the same materials you would find in a motor home. Has anyone painted this type of material before? If so, how did it hold up?

Thinking about purchasing a small flat-screen TV w/built-in DVD player and mounting it on a swivel arm on the wall so that it can be easily moved to be viewed from the kitchen area to the bed area. That way I can do away with the old TV that now requires a converter box. If I get a new flat-screen, will I still need the antenae on the top of the trailer? If I don't need it, I'd like to get of it.

I have a battery that is charged via a small solar panel on the roof. The solar panel is a least 10 years old, and I don't know if it still works or not. The marine battery died a couple of years ago, and I've not replace it because I haven't needed one. Are solar panels still used? Is there something on the market that is better now?

The outer insulation cover on the wire running from the roof antennae has split and cracked off from exposure. Replacing the wire will be a RPITA. Any suggestions?

Thanks for you input!
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