Posted 2008-06-17 9:35 PM (#85861) Subject: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 270
Location: Roanoke IL
After posting about problems, I feel obligated to tell about the money my prodigy just saved me. It turns out that the "problem wheel" had a complete meltdown. The poor prodigy knew what it was talking about. There was certainly a SH and some OL and some NC involved. Some spring on the brake assembly broke, wires were completely melted, it was awful. One new brake assembly later, the prodigy has not shown any errors. However, we are going to take all the wheels apart and check and adjust the brakes as needed. If I had my lesser controller on (still not sure if prodigy didn't cause the problems that it detected) I would have completely fried the bearing and probably a tire. It could have been really bad. I guess it all started when one spring sprung. That could have happened at any time, and my old controller couldn't have told me. I would have driven blissfully unaware of my rising wheel temperature. The 100 bucks worth of prodigy just saved me over 100 bucks in tire and trouble.
I'm still confused about it....when I'm stopped or parked and I depress the brake, the numbers go up to between 0.7-1. When I squeeze the lever they go up to 6. Forgive me, is it because it's inertial? It's supposed to do that? I'm used to my other controller whose numbers would go up to the max all the time when the brake was depressed.
Now I'm scared of all my brakes. I won't be able to sleep until I replace them all. Luckily I have 2 spare assemblies sitting around. It's easier to replace the entire assembly, but I think for now we'll just check and make sure all springs are solid. Ahh, the joys of trailer ownership. I learn more every day. It's almost as fun as horse ownership!
Posted 2008-06-17 10:00 PM (#85863 - in reply to #85861) Subject: RE: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 1416
Location: sc
This info should be close, if not exact.........its late and Ive had a few.
When stopped or parked or after 5 seconds of no movement the Prodigy/P3 will apply 25% of the max volt setting to "hold" the trailer. This will take place after the aprox 2.5 sec of boost that will apply 13% or 25% (depending on which boost youve selected) of the max setting. Using the manual slide you can apply any amount up to the max you have selected. So yes, yours is working correctly. No, it did not cause your brake "problems". And yes it probably saved your butt.
My P3 is set at 8 volts, under normal stopping I may see 2 volts, harder stopping will send more volts. Thats the point of a "proportional" controller. It supplies power to the brakes in a "proportional" manner in relation to how fast you are stopping. The timer based POS just ramp up the power the same way every time.........absolutley worthless in an emergency situation. Here is some educational reading if youre interested,
Posted 2008-06-18 5:26 AM (#85881 - in reply to #85861) Subject: RE: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 270
Location: Roanoke IL
Well, I know the prodigy couldn't directly break a spring, but possibly if it sent too much juice back there, maybe it fried something or overloaded something. I just found it odd that everything worked fine until I installed it. It was probably purely coincidental, but the thought still crossed my mind.
Posted 2008-06-18 6:56 AM (#85882 - in reply to #85881) Subject: RE: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 1416
Location: sc
Originally written by Angelmay84 on 2008-06-18 5:26 AM
Well, I know the prodigy couldn't directly break a spring, but possibly if it sent too much juice back there, maybe it fried something or overloaded something. I just found it odd that everything worked fine until I installed it. It was probably purely coincidental, but the thought still crossed my mind.
Your mind is not the only one that thought has crossed, remember you have replaced a calculator with a computer. Finding trailer faults when switching to a Prodigy is so common that if I was Tekonsha I would put a comment about it in the Prodigy owners manual.
To put your mind at ease, the Prodigy cant send any more power than the old controller, there is only ~14 volts to be had in your trucks electrical system. The trailer brakes should be wired in a manner that full power should not overload anything to begin with. By your own observation/question you said the Prodigy was actually sending less power. Just give everything a once over and be glad your decision to use a safer brake controller found the problem before you NEEDED your brakes.
Posted 2008-06-18 10:23 PM (#85948 - in reply to #85861) Subject: RE: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 270
Location: Roanoke IL
Exactly right, a calculator for a computer. good analogy. I'm happy, no errors have shown up and I feel more confident on the road now.
Thankfully my other brakes look good and have been thoroughly cleaned and inspected. I can go to Lake Shelbyville for the weekend!!! Heeellloooo Party Barge!!! (our saddle club rents this awesome pontoon boat and goes out on the lake all day) What could be better, the horses, my functional trailer brakes, and a day at the lake, all on a payday weekend!!!
Posted 2008-06-20 7:48 AM (#86047 - in reply to #85861) Subject: RE: Prodigy Saved The Day
Posts: 270
Location: Roanoke IL
I think daisy would swim behind the barge, but it might be nice to have her in front of it so she could tow us back to port after we trash the propeller. It happens every year...some sneaky sand bar hangs us up and we wind up paying some awful fee to replace the prop.