Posted 2008-01-11 6:56 AM (#74219) Subject: Dometic refridgerator recall made 1997 - 2003
Posts: 168 Location: Stem NC
The refrige can catch on fire.
I read an add in the Trail Rider magazine concerning the recall. I ws not notified by the company at all. I don't think they keep registration numbers. My friend was not contacted either and her refridge is being recalled also.
This is a recall on a two door refridg. Kind of scary. If you are wondering about yours, call 1 888 446 5157
Posted 2008-01-11 7:13 AM (#74220 - in reply to #74219) Subject: RE: Dometic refridgerator recall made 1997 - 2003
Posts: 212 Location: novinger, mo
Get the serial number of your refrigerator and go to this site for this. Enter the number in and they will tell you if you have one of the recalled ones.
Posted 2008-01-11 10:50 AM (#74234 - in reply to #74219) Subject: RE: Dometic refridgerator recall made 1997 - 2003
Posts: 122 Location: Grant Twp., MI
Thank you very much for pointing out this VERY IMPORTANT information...sure enough...went outside and checked - went to the Domectic site and my 2001 3-way fridge is on the recall...scary - it sits in our barn - usually plugged in, running on electric and that according to the recall info - might be the most dangerous way to use it...they recommended that the gas valve at the back of the fridge be turned off! I did locate a service dealer that Dometic recommended in Michigan - just a PITA to take the trailer to them...oh well...better than waking up a country-fried ham!
Posted 2008-01-11 12:52 PM (#74247 - in reply to #74242) Subject: RE: Dometic refridgerator recall made 1997 - 2003
Posts: 168 Location: Stem NC
Their adv. says just a few refridges are on recall. Please tell your friends. Dometic says it is only 2 door units. It sounds like a lot of the two door units are in the recall.
Posted 2008-01-11 2:18 PM (#74250 - in reply to #74219) Subject: RE: Dometic refridgerator recall made 1997 - 2003
Posts: 274 Location: MO in woods
We had ours checked out last spring and seen add in TheTrail Rider magazine.SADLY Dometic is too cheap to put out more adds.We told all our friends and fellow trailers owners about it too.Pass the word.