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What do you expect when buying from a dealer?

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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-06-15 2:31 PM (#173766)
Subject: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 70
Just a question!
When buying a used LQ from a dealer what do you expect? I know anything used is just that and most likely as/is.
BUT if you are told something do you expect them stand behind it?
ie: "everything on this trailer is "like new", we run it thru our shop and do a complete service on it,check everything out and either fix it or replace it if need be!"
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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-06-17 7:19 PM (#173775 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 70
Well ......its been another 3 days and all I have egot from one of the owners of this dealership is yelled at! I tried to explain to her that her salesman and the other owner which is her husband is ones who mentioned having this trailer fixed right!

So now I'm having to waitto make sure I get my tags before I proceed to post of every single internet site I can how she does business! After checking their reviews of the last few months I am not the only one that is having trouble or had trouble and it all points back to this 1 lady!
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Reg. Dec 2004
Posted 2021-06-18 2:55 PM (#173778 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 720
Was everything working when you picked it up? I know when I'm buying used equipment, the time to make sure everything is working is before it is paid for. What quits working after that is on me, unless I spring for their extended warranty, which I seldom do. Just my opinion.

Edited by horsey1 2021-06-18 2:56 PM
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2021-06-18 5:03 PM (#173780 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 1877
Location: NY
it sound like she is the probleme so if posable go down to the dealer and talk to him face to face  
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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-06-19 4:39 PM (#173790 - in reply to #173778)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 70
horsey1 - 2021-06-18 4:55 PM

Was everything working when you picked it up? I know when I'm buying used equipment, the time to make sure everything is working is before it is paid for. What quits working after that is on me, unless I spring for their extended warranty, which I seldom do. Just my opinion.

Well every trip I have been back has been something different they didn't check the first time.. they fired up the water heater and turned it off, wasn't run over a 2 minutes so I have no clue. The generator I went back for 2 times because it would run maybe 5 mins and shut off. They did fix it. Endup having a 1/2 tank of water in the gas.
The skylight is all on them, I'm too fat to climb on top of a trailer a few the damage can not bee seen from the inside since Outlaw using real wood trim on everything. But again all on the dealer and salesman since I was told a d have the text telling me EVERYTHING has been gone over top to bottom, from to back and is in "like new condition and is ready to go"! After the headache I'm finding out they use this term no matter what condition the trailers are in. Now the "lady" owner is telling me 1 thing and her husband the other owner is telling me another. Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians!
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Reg. Mar 2009
Posted 2021-07-26 6:13 AM (#175556 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 5

Location: Tracy, IA
I'm somewhat in the same situation.  Bought my first LQ last year used from a supposedly reputable dealer.  Saleman told me everything would be 100% or they will make it work. That probably should have been a clue.  Making it work is different from something being 100%.  The aluminum floor has an overlay, which the saleman explained in detail and isn't the way he explained it, all roof vents in back leak, it's had leak damage inside which wasn't disclosed and some other small issues.   I've talked to the repair guy (son of owner) multiple times.  I ask questions and he goes off on what 'we' normally do  and gets defensive.  The trailer wasn't advertised 'as is' but should have been.  Because of Covid I couldn't physically travel (due to my job) to see it so had to rely on them.  Frustrating.
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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-07-28 7:40 PM (#175914 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 70
Sorry to hear about all of your issues. Sounds like the same dealer or may have went to the same school of messing people over.

Outlaw actually got my LQ issues fixed and the dealer agreed to refund me the money it cost to repair what they couldn't /didn't fix but I haven't seen a dime. Claimed she would send it with my tags that took over 4 months to get and that didn't happen. Called the salesman and he claims she is at a horse show this week and will get it sent to me by the first of next week! Guess I better not hold my breath!
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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-08-19 10:33 PM (#181993 - in reply to #173766)
Subject: RE: What do you expect when buying from a dealer?


Posts: 70

4 months to get tags and ended up having to take the trailer to Outlaw to have it checked out and everything fixed because the dealer could get it done!
Needless to say, we will NEVER buy from them again!
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