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Load placement Q.

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Last activity 2013-11-24 10:02 PM
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Squirrel Cruncher
Reg. Nov 2013
Posted 2013-11-24 6:25 AM (#155943)
Subject: Load placement Q.


Posts: 11

Location: Ohio
With a two horse, slant load, bumper pull trailer that has a front tack area how do I know the best placement for a horse when trailering a single horse?  When trailering one horse is it best to load the horse in the forward or rearmost space?  Does it matter?  How does it affect towing safety?  Thank you.
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Reg. Aug 2013
Posted 2013-11-24 8:20 AM (#155944 - in reply to #155943)
Subject: RE: Load placement Q.


Posts: 136
Location: Watertown, TN
As long as you don't take too much weight off the hitch,either position should be good. Any trailer that is too light on the tongue will tend to sway and handle badly. Not knowing the specifics of your trailer it may be a case for careful experimentation. Pull the trailer with the horse in both positions after pulling it empty enough to get the feel for how it handles. Then decide which you prefer.
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Reg. Oct 2010
Posted 2013-11-24 8:22 PM (#155952 - in reply to #155943)
Subject: RE: Load placement Q.


Posts: 259
Location: Topeka Ks
My preference is to haul in the forward most position and then load to the back. I do this to give the best ride for my horses. I agree it will increase the tongue weight.
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2013-11-24 10:02 PM (#155954 - in reply to #155943)
Subject: RE: Load placement Q.


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

It all depends on where the trailer axles are located, and this will vary from brand to brand and even different models within the same company. If the axles are located well to the rear, you may be able to load a single horse in the aft stall. If the axles are located under the front stall, a single rear located horse may unload the hitch.

As was stated, the best way is to first try towing the empty trailer to get a feeling of an acceptable tongue weight, and test how well it tracks and corners at different speeds. Load a single horse in the front stall and again follow your original route and speeds. You will probably notice a difference in how the back end of the truck feels, as compared to when towing with the empty trailer. Move the horse to the aft stall and try your trip again, BUT more slowly and deliberately. You may notice some swaying when coming out of a corner or when traveling at highway speeds. Immediately slow down if any swaying happens and reposition your horse to the front stall. If swaying occurs, you will not be able to carry a single horse in the aft stall, without more weight in the dressing room. With a horse in the aft stall, you will have to counter weight the front, with enough weight to at least equal the original hitch weight when the trailer was empty.

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