I couldn't find any info on this subject so maybe ya'll can help. I want to make a bed that folds up to the wall of the trailer and then comes down at night for my ten year old that weighs 95 lbs can climb into and then in the morning we can take the mattress out and fold the bed back up and secure it to the wall. Almost exactly like a "Murphy Bed." I was even thinking about hanging a hammock from the ceiling. We converted our dressing room to a sleeper and have one large 12 year old on the floor but need the 11 year old off the floor so when we get up in the morning we don't step on him.
Posted 2012-09-02 3:50 PM (#146763 - in reply to #146752) Subject: RE: trailer conversion
Posts: 98 Location: MD
I don't know your configuration but have seen them fold down/up over a sofa bench. It appeared to be a piece of plywood on hinges that folded down onto 2 wooden legs that secured to the sofa bench. Then could fold up against the wall when not being used.
Posted 2012-09-02 10:30 PM (#146775 - in reply to #146752) Subject: RE: trailer conversion
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
It would be quite easy to fabricate a frame to fit a smaller mattress. Two hinges on the wall side would secure the one side. Chains or cables attached to the outside rail ends from the wall, would support the other side. It could be configured over cabinets or offer open storage space underneath.
The bed could be folded against the wall with bungees when it's not being used. If it is no longer wanted, it can easily be removed. Break down hinges could be utilised, allowing the bed to be easily removed whever it was not needed, and being able to be reinstalled in a matter of seconds.
Posted 2012-09-03 8:21 AM (#146786 - in reply to #146752) Subject: RE: trailer conversion
New User
Posts: 2
Thanks. That was my idea but how to or what to use to brace the wall supporting the bed. Love the idea of removable hinges. Making the mattress frame and keeping it light weight yet still providing strength.