My boyfriend has a Sundowner aluminum 3 horse slant trailer and wants to install drop down face guards. He is a welder so he is planning to make the faceguards himself. We just ordered the installation kit that Sundowner says you have to have to install the faceguards.
On Sundowner's drop down faceguards they have a loop that you slide down to release the faceguard for the latch. The kits came with a few hinges, what appears to be the piece it latches into to hold it shut, and several screws and rivets but no loop to close the guards and NO DIRECTIONS. Does anybody have any idea how to install these yourself or where you can get the installation guide?
Posted 2012-08-16 9:11 AM (#146385 - in reply to #146375) Subject: RE: Sundowner faceguards
Elite Veteran
Posts: 804 Location: Tenn/Ala.
That "kit" is made to be used with the Sundowner faceguard. The kit is used for all of their faceguards, there are many differernt faceguards for the different sized windows. The "loop" is welding in during the build of the guard, so is not part of the install kit.
If you had the necessary guard in hand, the installation is fairly straightforward. You are correct- like most procedures in our industry there are no formalized written directions. It is often truly a case of custom crafting.
If he is set on building his own, I'd suggest finding a Sundowner that has them and copying carefully. If that can't work, you might buy 1, then let him copy it.
Posted 2012-08-16 8:01 PM (#146404 - in reply to #146375) Subject: RE: Sundowner faceguards
New User
Posts: 2
I think he pretty much knows how he's going to do it but just thought it would be easier if we could find the loop and the peg that goes into the top of the window to keep it latched. But I'm sure he can rig something up since he welds for a living :)