Posted 2012-08-12 3:13 PM (#146283) Subject: Need Advice refrigerator/propane tank
Posts: 94 Location: Nebraska
I have a simple weekender that is all electric and is equiped with a dorm refrigerator. Most of the time I am camping without electricity and so I have started looking into having the conversion company in my area install a small AC/LP refrigerator in place of the dorm refrigerator. I currently do not have a propane tank mounted on the trailer so the conversion company will have to do this also. I am told by them that they would prefer to mount the propane tank up high under the gooseneck instead of down below to the frame, which would place the bottom of the tank even with the bottom of the trailer. I am being told that the lower mount would be a safety issue due to being so close to the road. However, I would prefer to have the tank mounted at the bottom as the living area is finished and therefore a cabinet and a piece of paneling would need to be removed if it was to be mounted up higher. I do see trailers in the ad's that have the propane tank mounted low, so my question to you is whether there really is any more danger mounting the tank one way or the other.
Removing the paneling and cabinet can be done, it would be labor intensive but I don't want to explode myself either!
Posted 2012-08-12 7:52 PM (#146291 - in reply to #146283) Subject: RE: Need Advice refrigerator/propane tank
Posts: 259 Location: Topeka Ks
I see more tanks set low than up high. My tanks are set low beneth the gooseneck and all the lines run under the floor. I don't know if there is a code requirement for bottle plpacement.
Posted 2012-08-14 11:58 AM (#146344 - in reply to #146283) Subject: RE: Need Advice refrigerator/propane tank
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 385 Location: high desert, CA.
It maybe just me...but I would not mount any cylinders low. I go over some pretty rough roads to camp and ride, so rocks,gravel, and dips can hit the tanks if low. All it would take is a rock or log to bang the valve, or knock the tank loose from the mount to cause a pretty big problem! ( BANG!)It also is giving you some extra clearance for a tailgate if you have to back under to hitch, and the tailgate must be down to put the goose on the ball with out a pass through tailgate.
Posted 2012-08-14 11:09 PM (#146361 - in reply to #146283) Subject: RE: Need Advice refrigerator/propane tank
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
On our trailers, one having 30# tanks, the other 20# tanks, both are placed so that the tank bottoms are about a foot higher than the bottom of the bulkheads.
One of the trailers has an 8' length goose length, the other 7 1/2'. The longer one will not let the tailgate touch the tanks when it is left down whilst securing the trailer. The shorter goose length has to have the tailgate upright when fastening the hitch, so as not to damage the truck or trailer.