Posted 2012-05-10 9:05 AM (#143851) Subject: Replacing Calk Around Roof Items
Posts: 6
The caulking around the roof items on my 2001 living quarters trailer are looking quite cracked and aged. I would like to replace. (The roof is alunimum) I've read the posts and found that this could be a 6 hr job which could result in hefty labor cost. So, I'm looking at doing it myself. After some research, I'm leaning toward using the Eternabond 4" Tape. The job would entail using a puddy knife to scrape the old caulk off, a fine sanding pad, and use acetone to clean the area for a good adheasive.
Since I'm green at this, I'd like to know if I'm on the right track or is there something else I should be using? Would the 2" tape work just as well?
Your wisdom is greatly appreciated. I don't want to damage my trailer.
Posted 2012-05-31 9:22 PM (#144389 - in reply to #143851) Subject: RE: Replacing Calk Around Roof Items
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 373 Location: Texas
Well, how'd it go? I have used Eternabond tape on my camper roof, and love the stuff, so ordered some to redo the seams on my trailer. Don't see why it won't work great