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Totally Confused

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Last activity 2012-05-27 7:46 AM
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Reg. Nov 2011
Posted 2012-05-25 4:12 PM (#144213)
Subject: Totally Confused


Posts: 12

The wife and I are looking at purchasing a 3H LQ w/slide, either 10' or 12.5'SW but we are both confused when we try to calculate whether or not our 2005 F-350 6.0 Diesel DRW has enough to safely pull. Looks like the truck has a GCWR of 23,000 and GVWR of 13,000.

How much trailer can we pull?

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Reg. Feb 2012
Posted 2012-05-25 6:05 PM (#144216 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused

I've seen this same configuration thousands of times, all over the US. You should be fine, just make sure your tires,brakes,shocks and brake controller are all good. Maybe add a set of airbags to the rear of the truck to make it ride a little better. Also stay with they all aluminum trailers "Featherlite", not the steel frame aluminum skin trailers "Lakota" for example. Cut down on as much weight as possible back there!
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Reg. Feb 2012
Posted 2012-05-25 6:38 PM (#144218 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused

BTW, I have a 3H LQ Featherlite with 11SW.with midtack....I pull it with 2005 Dodge SRW 1 ton with a GVWR of 9900lbs and it pulls it fine, even loaded with our 3 big horses and all our tack. I did add rear airbags a couple of years ago, way smoother ride now!
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Reg. Nov 2011
Posted 2012-05-25 6:47 PM (#144219 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused


Posts: 12

Thanks Doug!!!
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2012-05-25 6:49 PM (#144220 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by Tsonet53 on 2012-05-25 4:12 PM

The wife and I are looking at purchasing a 3H LQ w/slide, either 10' or 12.5'SW but we are both confused when we try to calculate whether or not our 2005 F-350 6.0 Diesel DRW has enough to safely pull. Looks like the truck has a GCWR of 23,000 and GVWR of 13,000.

How much trailer can we pull?

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Reg. Dec 2009
Posted 2012-05-25 9:18 PM (#144223 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 373
Location: Texas
Go weigh your truck without a trailer, and a full tank of fuel, and what ever you normally carry in it. Take that weight, and subtract from the 23,000. Thats what you have left over for the loaded trailer.

Just because there are lots of people doing it, does not mean they are not over loading their trucks. I'd guess more LQ trailers going down the road being pulled by 1 ton trucks are going OVER their combined weight rating than not.

Just my opinion of course. ;-)

(many truck stops have scales you can weigh your truck, or whole rig)
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2012-05-26 7:38 AM (#144224 - in reply to #144213)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

You did say a Dually not a Single Rear Wheel Drive truck. So I'll agree, you are probably fine.  Your truck will weigh in the mid 8000 lb range, Add the weight of Passengers and what ever gear you carry in the truck, Say you are at 9000 lbs an subtract from the rated 23,000 lb gross, Which leaves you about 14,000 lbs for trailer and contents.

Which will be close to what a LQ and couple of horses will weigh.

I've had great luck with the Steel Framed/Aluminum Skin trailers. Mine is a Logan,So I wouldn't blanket avoid them. But as you shop, get the information about what each trailers weighs. Manufactures can give you base trailer weights. Of course you will have to factor in custom interiors, your horses, and your personal gear weights.

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Reg. Nov 2011
Posted 2012-05-26 12:20 PM (#144232 - in reply to #144224)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused


Posts: 12

Yes she's a dually....thanks so much... we're really interested in a Merhow and while we're looking 3H we'll probably only be trailering 2horses.
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Reg. Jan 2005
Posted 2012-05-27 7:46 AM (#144247 - in reply to #144232)
Subject: RE: Totally Confused

Elite Veteran

Posts: 781
Location: La Cygne, KS
Noticed you were pulling with 6.0 Ford. Have you had the EGR valve issue? If not, be prepared for this mechanical issue and get US Rider. US Rider is good for all kinds of break downs....not just towing vehicle. Some folks have been lucky and have had few issues with the 6.0. We were not and our tow vehicles get routine by the book maintenance. Doing a search on this forum and Ford forums will provide more info.Congrats on your trailer purchase.
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