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Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?

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Last activity 2012-03-23 7:37 PM
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Reg. Mar 2012
Posted 2012-03-22 7:20 PM (#142391)
Subject: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?

New User

Posts: 1

Location: davenport, iowa
I have heard that there may be some real issues in towing a BP with Livingquarter.  Does anyone have experiance with this issue?  I have always owned a GN with livingquarter, I would like to get a BP so that I don't have to climb in and out of the nose.  Thank you
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Reg. Aug 2010
Posted 2012-03-22 7:57 PM (#142392 - in reply to #142391)
Subject: RE: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?


Posts: 61
Location: Pueblo, CO

It would depend what the tow vehicle is and how big the LQ and horse area are.  Some of the big, fancy goosenecks have a  bedroom on the 'main' floor.  Big bucks!  You could also go with bunkbeds or a nice couch to sleep on. Less bucks!

Happy hunting!

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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2012-03-22 11:56 PM (#142400 - in reply to #142391)
Subject: RE: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Just make sure that you do NOT go way over the maximum tongue weight

Edited by PaulChristenson 2012-03-22 11:58 PM
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2012-03-23 6:50 AM (#142406 - in reply to #142391)
Subject: RE: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?


Posts: 69
Location: Elkhart , Indiana
They have been hauling bumper pulls for years .the bumper pull came out first then the goose neck . just make sure when you order your trailer they know what kind of truck you are pulling with , the axles can be moved to change the hitch weight . Good Luck
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Reg. Mar 2012
Posted 2012-03-23 11:00 AM (#142419 - in reply to #142391)
Subject: RE: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?


Posts: 5

Location: Northern CA
When you say "real issues" what exactly do you mean?
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Reg. Jun 2009
Posted 2012-03-23 7:37 PM (#142435 - in reply to #142391)
Subject: RE: Is it safe to buy and haul a BP with livingquarters?


Posts: 127
Location: rapid city sd
Just something else to consider-just pulled an empty bumper 3 horse 7 wide, 7 tall almost no dress a 1000 miles, set the spedo @ 76 and got 13.6 w/trailer . Week later same pickup, set on 76, 300 miles east 5 horse gooseneck 8 wide, 7.5 tall, mangers, 5"drop nose, 8' short wall shell, 28' on the floor--just over 14 mpg. I know which one I'd rather pull? No doubt safer under all conditions. someone can put the bed where you need it.
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