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can someone help me with posting an ad?

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Last activity 2011-10-11 6:18 AM
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okie ann
Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-10-08 5:10 PM (#138164)
Subject: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 56

i would like to list my trailer on here. [i sold one several years ago and had great luck] here is my question/problem. i can't download pics to my ad, i can however email them to the person placing the ad for me that owns the site. is this possible? or should i place the ad without pics, and ask those that inquire to have them send me their email address and i can forward them this way?

 i know that trailer ads on here sell much faster when people can view them right away.

thanks for any help.


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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-10-08 11:07 PM (#138173 - in reply to #138164)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

We sold a trailer on HTW mainly because of the numerous and complete photos we provided. Personally, I will not purchase anything that I can't see in person, or have a good idea about its condition, by viewing pertinent photos. Without an attached photo, or having some provided, I will skip any advertisement and its sale. Someone else's idea of a complete description, may vary greatly from that, which I can only imagine.

I would definately Email the photos for your add. Without them, you would be causing yourself a disservice.

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okie ann
Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-10-09 3:21 AM (#138179 - in reply to #138173)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 56

thanks and i agree with you gard. my question is this- i wish to place an ad on this site for my trailer. i can not download pics to accompany my ad. is it possible when writing up my ad, paying for the ad, to email pics to the person who owns this site and they can add them for me.


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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-10-09 7:51 AM (#138182 - in reply to #138179)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

is it possible when writing up my ad, paying for the ad, to email pics to the person who owns this site and they can add them for me.

 Pictures still speak a 1,000 words. Thirty photos are allowed with each Ad. If you are having trouble uploading pictures they can be Emailed as an attachment or mailed by regular ground mail. See the street address here. Send a SASE if you want pictures returned. We accept JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP by Email. JPGs seem to work the best so all formats received are converted to JPGs for posting. Pictures received through the postal service are scanned into JPGs and posted.  
  A good set of pictures is critical to your successful sale. The best Ads have two or more pictures posted, at least one 3/4 broadside and one inside. For LQs be sure to put in four interior photos. If you don't have a LQ or a DR, make the other shots of the trailer from rear or loading area but slightly to the side. Take pictures on a sunny day for the best color rendition over the Internet. Pictures are resized to 600 pixels in width. If you're in a big hurry to post an Ad, but don't have any pictures yet, don't worry, you can log into your ad at any time and upload pictures.

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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2011-10-10 12:13 PM (#138197 - in reply to #138164)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 804
Location: Tenn/Ala.
I can't find it right now, but I believe I recal you being able to email them to admgr@horsetrailerworld.com and they can post them for you. As Gard mentioned, be sure and resize them before mailing.
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-10-10 2:35 PM (#138201 - in reply to #138164)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
The text I posted was verbatim from HTW's advertisement instructions under "contact"
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okie ann
Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-10-11 6:18 AM (#138215 - in reply to #138164)
Subject: RE: can someone help me with posting an ad?


Posts: 56
thanks very much, got it posted yesterday with the help of the admgr.
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