Planning on looking at both of them. Haven't bought a bumper pull in many years. The main difference is the Titan is 7'4" and he already said he'd sell it for $7000. The Trails West is 7' tall and could probably get it for $6000 but needs tires all the way around per the owner.
What do you guys think who own or know anything about these brands? TIA
Posted 2011-09-09 12:09 PM (#137359 - in reply to #137358) Subject: RE: Trails West vs. Titan???
Elite Veteran
Posts: 781 Location: La Cygne, KS
I've owned both brands.
Each has their own qualities. The paint on the Titan was more rust resistant than the TW. However, I liked the aluminum roof on the TW.
Titan divider latches are hard to work if the divider gets bowed a little bit and the last telescoping divider will not pull out easily. TW last stall divider is designed to move back against the wall. A much better design than the Titan telescoping divider.
The Rubber lined walls all around in the TW are nice, but very soft and can tear if a horse braces a hoof against the wall. Titan's lined wall are thicker rubber and held up better.
Some folks with TW had some axle issues. Search threads here to read about it. We never experienced a problem though.
I prefer Titan's because our TW started showing rust stains just after a year and the Titan still looked like new when I sold it after three years of use. I also like Titan's swing out saddle racks better as the saddles did not roll off.
So basically it comes down to which one has less wear for the money and the options that appeal to you. Tires will need to be replaced on either one regardless of which one you buy since they are approaching the 5 and 6 year mark.