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questions about buying a new trailer

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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-01-13 2:06 PM (#128876)
Subject: questions about buying a new trailer

New User

Posts: 4

Hello, I'm new to this forum. My mom and I are finally going to buy our own trailer. We have looked at different ones but we want opinions on which are the "best". So far all we know is that we want an aluminium one with a tack room and it has to be 7 feet tall. We can't decide if we want a two or three horse, probably a three horse though. Also, we are considering getting a new truck so we can get a goose neck. What are the advantages/disadvantages to a goose neck? Which brand of trailer seems to hold up the best? Also, we are open to buying a used trailer. Any opinions are very helpful. Thanks!
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2011-01-13 2:23 PM (#128877 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
These are just opinions...GN is the way to go. IMO there are no draw backs. No sway,they are stable and easier to pull. If you are looking for a three horse and tack/dressing room you really don't want that length in a bumper pull. I'd start with a 3/4 ton at least.There is no "best" trailer just the one that meets your wants,budget and needs. Some trailers have more in the way of features and comforts for which you'd expect to pay more. I have seen older trailers of all makes that have held up very well and some of that is how its been maintained. I own an Exiss Event thats 11 years old. Its has held up very well over the years ( and I bought it used) The best thing to do is figure out what you want ( go with a three horse) what you need and how much you want to spend. I suggest a all aluminum trailer myself. You can find some good deals on used trailers so keep your options open.
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-01-13 2:42 PM (#128879 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

New User

Posts: 4

Thanks farmbabe.Also, what are the pros and cons to a ramp or no ramp? I've trailer my horses in both and they don't seem to mind either.
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Reg. Mar 2010
Posted 2011-01-13 3:01 PM (#128881 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 342
Location: Ohio

I agree,GN is the only way to go. Minimum of 3/4 ton truck and a V8 would suffice, V10 is better with about the same fuel mileage, and of course a diesel would be ideal, but are more expensive in just about every category. An all aluminum 3h with a dressing room will weigh right around 3000-3500 lbs empty. I cannot speak as to the "best" trailer as that is in the eye of the beholder. Search for a trailer that you like with the features that you want.

I did pull an Exiss 3h gn one time in an emergency and it was a nice, quiet, easy puller that had a lot of features that I liked. The lady said it was about 10 years old, but it looked new.

As for ramps vs. step ups, I prefer step ups. I have an old bumper pull that has a ramp that I hate. One of my mares slipped and hit her knees on the way out, the other mare spooked and slipped and ended up on her back on her way in. (The mat on the ramp is grooved "anti-slip" and is at a relatively low angle --it was also dry both times)They will load and unload most of the time just fine, but I have had zero bad occurences with step ups.

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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2011-01-13 6:57 PM (#128887 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
I don't have a ramp. Horses are capable of stepping up and down. Now i can see the value of a ramp when you are short..like me..and need to reach up on the the saddle rack. I am sure there are benefits but I have seen more problems with horses refusing to load and getting scraped up on the sides of a ramp. Not all horses mind the hollow sound of a ramp but some do. To me its a non-issue. To me there are far more important features of a trailer I'd be interested than a ramp or lack thereof.
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Reg. Apr 2010
Posted 2011-01-13 7:54 PM (#128888 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 73
One suggestion based on my experience. We have a mid-tack, no rear tack, and the way it is set up, we have to actually step up & go into the mid tack to get saddles out or put them away. Make sure that the tack area is set up in a way that makes it easy to handle your saddles-I'm always afraid I'm going to miss that step while carrying my saddle out & fall on my face! Hubby will build in a rear tack for us this winter, I hope.
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Reg. Jun 2006
Posted 2011-01-13 10:28 PM (#128890 - in reply to #128879)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 201
Location: Lincoln, NE
You might want to look at recent posts about ramps rotting. IMHO they are more trouble than they are worth and more dangerous.
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2011-01-14 12:03 AM (#128891 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by eq3baymares on 2011-01-13 3:06 PM

Hello, I'm new to this forum. My mom and I are finally going to buy our own trailer. We have looked at different ones but we want opinions on which are the "best". So far all we know is that we want an aluminium one with a tack room and it has to be 7 feet tall. We can't decide if we want a two or three horse, probably a three horse though. Also, we are considering getting a new truck so we can get a goose neck. What are the advantages/disadvantages to a goose neck? Which brand of trailer seems to hold up the best? Also, we are open to buying a used trailer. Any opinions are very helpful. Thanks!
Buying a new truck just so you can have a GN trailer may NOT be the best economic choice...exactly what are you going to use the trailer for?...Shows,Clinics,Vet trips,camping? ...How many horses, will you be transporting MOST of the times?...What is your CURRENT tow vehicle?...Depending on YOUR age, will you be going off to college?...which would change the dynamics of your family's horse activities...Horse trailers vary depending on the area of the country you live in and the needs of that area...for example 2 horse tag-alongs are quite popular in the New England area...also, be careful how much debt you acquire at one pass, i.e.NEW TRUCK AND TRAILER...especially, if there is any question in your family's economic short term future...
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Reg. Nov 2006
Posted 2011-01-14 7:48 AM (#128892 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 326
Location: Gallatin, TN
Like so many have said this is just my opinion:  if you are going with an older model trailer I highly recommend 4 Star.  We have a 1997 model 2 horse gooseneck with weekender living package and it looks like new both cosmeticlly and structurally.  Had we bought the same 4 star trailer new it would have been double what we paid for it.  Our only regret is buying a two horse instead of a 3 horse.  Since we do lots of camping it would be nice to have the third stall for hauling hay and other big items.
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-01-14 4:49 PM (#128915 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

New User

Posts: 4

Thanks everyone.We currently have a 2007 silverado which has almost 100,000 miles on it. I know trucks can go way past that but my dad wants something that he knows will be reliable for a longer period of time. Well hopefully a new truck will be more reliable. I am in college,almost done, and will not be going away. We have two horses(one horse is mine, the other is my moms) right now and everyone suggests getting a three horse. We will be trailer to shows, trails and possibly to vets(hopefully not to the vet that often!)My friend let us borrow her two horse for about a year and we became spoiled with having the ability to trailer where ever we want when we wanted to. Also, a close family member has recently passed and left us a decent amount of money. My parents decided that they want to use some of that to buy a new truck and trailer. They haven't decided 100% on a new truck, we are researching trying to see what would be the best combination for us. We live in Chicago so we obviously do not want a dually because that will be way too complicated to have to park on the street. The trailer will stay at the barn we board at.
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2011-01-14 8:55 PM (#128920 - in reply to #128915)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Leaving a trailer at a boarding barn...means that unless they are a large facility...might frown on a LARGE GN sitting on their property, plus many insurance agencies are NOT thrilled at insuring items NOT sitting on YOUR property...

I'm curious, you are almost done with college and you are talking like you will be continuing to live at home or at least within a reasonable distance from home after graduation...in the current economic environment, it seems many of the kids graduating in "our neck of the woods" are relocating rather substantial distances from their parents for the better jobs...

Just how often is your Dad going to be using this pickup? And how many miles per year is he thinking he will put on it? The reason I ask is THE PRICE OF GASOLINE IS GOING UP!!!

Everyone that is telling you to get a three horse trailer is probably go to want a ride to the shows...

Also how many actual trips with the trailer are you going to do per year...because your trailer will be depreciating every year you own it
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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2011-01-15 3:08 AM (#128923 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.

I would keep that 4 year old truck for now and look for a nice used two horse "all aluminum" bumper pull with a small dressing room.  Maybe something like one of these...



Maybe a Sundowner... http://www.horsetrailerworld.com/home/trailerdetail.asp?ID=290489



If you're buying used, look for a trailer way south of you, something that's not been exposed to alot of road salt.... Yet!!

Remember, we're probably going to see $4.00 fuel by the end of the summer... Save your money now!!



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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2011-01-15 8:05 AM (#128927 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
Its your money so buy what you want. If you have the means to buy a new(er) truck and want it..then go ahead.Ditto to the trailer...right now there are great deals on used trailers with low miles. Like i said before- figure out what you want it for then figure what kind of comforts to go with it. If you are hauling to shows and camping there? Will you need a full LQ or would something like a weekender work? If you don't want to stay in the trailer you can find good DR. I think a 3 hr would be a good deal. You can never have enough room for your hay,tack,clothes,equipment. Make sure its ok to leave a truck/trailer at the boarding barn. have fun with your shopping!
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Reg. Mar 2004
Posted 2011-01-15 8:26 AM (#128928 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer


Posts: 1205
Location: Arkansas

We use a 3 h GN for hauling 2 most of the time, the front stall has a door to the outside, and a door to the LQ.  When not hauling 3 we can set a sack of feed, bale of hay, or just use it to come and go as a mud room for muck boots and rain gear, trash sack and dirty clothes container,  etc.... the extra room we use in there makes more room for actually using the LQ. 

We use the 2 h BP for search/rescue (never know what pigtrail you have to park or turn around in) and day trips for a quick run the vet or haul to ride for the day.  Last use.... hauled a mini from west Arkansas to Bowling Green KY, and used it as it was fuel saving...

All aluminum will not have rust issues (still have to be cleaned and maintained)  and have better resale value, would try to do that if possible.


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Reg. Oct 2004
Posted 2011-01-15 10:33 AM (#128933 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 736
Location: Western WA
For a trailer used to go to shows or anything overnight, I will always want one more stall than the number of horses I will be hauling. Hay goes in that first stall. You can get roof mounted hay racks but getting hay up there is a pain.
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-01-16 1:27 PM (#128960 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

New User

Posts: 4

Thank you to everyone. My parents went out looking yesterday and think they found the one they like. Its a GN three horse sun downer. We are still going to price. Thanks again!
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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2011-01-19 10:53 PM (#129053 - in reply to #128876)
Subject: RE: questions about buying a new trailer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 610
Location: Northern CA

How exciting- shopping for a trailer!

These are the few things that I have seen way too many times to argue with;

1. Get a slant load! I have seen way too many horses not want to load or would not un-load from a straight-load. Just because your horse loads nicely doesn't mean all the friends you bring along will have the same easy time with their horse.( nothing like spending 1-2 hours trying to load or un-load a horse from those 2-horse straights!

2. I have seen more ramp injuries than I can count. I would not have a ramp on my trailer.

3. get extra tall. 7'6" tall. I cannot tell you how much I wished mine were taller. I never thought I would own a horse that at 4 years old, would grow to 16.1H. This horse likes to throw her head when she gets impatient. I am so worried she will hit it on the ceiling of the trailer one of these days.(plus higher re-sale value on the taller trailer later on)

4. double rear doors on the back instead of single rear door.

5. insulated in tack room and in the horse compartment. (This was the one thing I did right this time around) nothing like having your tack mildew in the trailer because it is not insulated. Plus horses will be much more comfy especially on longer hauls.

6. Drop down windows. Soo nice! horses enjoy it too.

7. If you get one with a rear tack, make sure it is a collapsible or folding rear tack. ( just in case)I had a horse that would not back up and un-load. 3 hours later, the horse-trainer finally had to collapse the rear tack. Thank-God for folding, collapsible rear tacks!!! This horse never did that before or after ever again. The weirdest thing ever!

8. buy used and all aluminum. Let some one else pay the depreciation on the trailer. There are some really great deals out there right now. Just spend some time and look around. Besides, you could really help some one out right now by taking a trailer payment off their hands.

I am on my 3rd trailer right now. I have 2 horses. What would I do next time around? Get 7'6" tall and a larger front tack area or gooseneck area. I thought I wanted the 3 horse like every one else but am glad I bought a 2-horse. the 2-horse gooseneck with a large front space to put in a weekender quarters at some point. The nice thing is, I can take this little trailer anywhere and park it anywhere!

Good Luck and have fun. Let us know what you end up with.

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