Hi, I am new to the forum, and have a quick question for you seasoned trailer folk.
I am looking at a 2006 Elite, 2-horse Bumper Pull trailer. It does have drops on the head, slats onthe rear. rear tack, front dressing room... GREAT SHAPE. $13,500 is what they are asking, is that to much for an 06' bumperpull?
Here's a 2006 Elite, two horse slant, w/DR, with stock sides on the butt.... Close to the same money you're speaking of down in your neck of the woods maybe.... (Elite 2 Horse Bumper Pull 2006 Elite with front dressing room, permanent rear tack, rubber mats, drop windows w/drop bars on the head side, plexi-tack on hip side, (2) feed bags, dividers w/pads, load light, LED lights and spare tire)