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Protecting Your Trailer Ads

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Last activity 2009-04-02 7:10 PM
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Reg. Sep 2003
Posted 2009-04-02 7:10 PM (#102673)
Subject: Protecting Your Trailer Ads

Elite Veteran

Posts: 720
Location: Never miss a good chance to shut up.

We've had dealers call us and ask how they could be getting calls from trailers that are no longer on their lots and listed at ridiculous prices.  They were also not aware that ads can be copied and reproduced anywhere and their ads might appear on a site they never advertised with.  Another site was identified to HTW as having copied ads and the 4 dealers I contacted had no idea their ads had been taken without authorization.  We can verify this information if you need. 

Why is this bad?  You don't want to lose control of your trailer ads and who is using them.  Most of you have seen entire ads that have been modified slightly to attract buyers.  Some even end up back on Horse Trailer World. 

We take the time to do background checks on suspected scams that come to our attention, and take immediate action, but whenever copyrights are violated and ads are taken, and brought to our attention by dealers and owners we have been asked to put out an alert - since this practice only increases the chances of your ads being compromised and your name associated with it suffers.

If you suspect this has happened to you, feel free to contact me directly at dave@horsetrailerworld.com

Or call me at 913-238-9999.  There are legitimate trailer sites that compete for your business - and they do it in a fair way and deserve your consideration. 

But please be aware of others who may not have your best interests at heart or mock our efforts to protect your data.

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