I recently bought a soon to be 4 year old Stallion (May he'll be 4). My question is , when do they stop growing and at what age to they stop filling out. He looked alot bigger and fuller in the pictures I bought him from. He got here and he is very big and musclular in the front and the rear is kinda small. He looks like his chest area is growing and his hind area is lagging behind. Do Stalllions muscle up more the older they get. What is best way to bulk him up and put some weight on him. He was on the trailer 6 days getting out here and I know he lost some weight. Thanks, for any advise on this.
Posted 2009-03-30 5:31 PM (#102452 - in reply to #102303) Subject: RE: Horse Growth
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 376
Location: Missouri
Horses typically have most of their height by the time they are 3 to 4 years old, but it is not uncommon for them to still gain height up to 6 or 7 years old. Their breed doesn't make any difference.