Posted 2008-04-28 10:00 PM (#82772 - in reply to #81966) Subject: RE: Best Brake Controller?
Posts: 151
Location: Manitoba, Canada
I don't imagine I can claim warranty on it without the receipt, and that's long gone.
Anyway, the DH went through the whole programming sequence again and still no brakes. Did I mention the light stays green until you push the brake pedal, and then it goes off? You get a red light if you use the manual slide, though.
Anyway, DH has gone off to work and won't be back for a good 3 weeks. I told him I'm calling the garage and getting them to take a once over on this thing. If they can't make it work, I'll buy new and start fresh. I'm at the end of my rope.
Posted 2008-05-01 5:04 PM (#82939 - in reply to #81966) Subject: RE: Best Brake Controller?
Posts: 151
Location: Manitoba, Canada
well, took the truck in today and verdict was ......... I needed a new controller. So, most of my day wasted in town, and I'm somewhat poorer now, but I have a brand spankin' new controller that I'm told WILL WORK. At least with the garage having installed it, I can go blame it on someone if it doesn't. Needless to say, I will make darn sure I know where the receipt is for this one in case I go through the same mess again. It's such a relief to have brakes! Now I just need to hook on to the trailer to be 100% certain...cross your fingers. Thanks muchly for everyone's advice.