Posted 2008-01-16 3:26 PM (#74564 - in reply to #74563) Subject: RE: Inverters/Generators...???
Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by Mandi/Abby on 2008-01-16 2:11 PM
Someone had mentioned to get the inverter type generator if I will be running things like my laptop, TV, etc off my generator. There's a significant price difference in those and the others. Would something like this work close to or as well as those generators?? If not, what is this particular thing for??
Inverters are electronic circuits to alternate the current.
The Tripp-lite is an inverter that runs off a battery. The pricey inverter generators like the Honda combine an inverter with a DC generator to produce 120 AC power. The advantage is a quiet slow turning DC generator vs a noisy 3600 rpm alternator/generator like most people have. The electronic inverters also hold 60 cycles accurately. A regular generator depends on the engine speed to hold 60 cycles.
Posted 2008-01-17 11:44 AM (#74632 - in reply to #74566) Subject: RE: Inverters/Generators...???
Elite Veteran
Posts: 736
Location: Western WA
What types of appliances are you planning on running off the generator? I was advised to not plan on running any high end electronics like laptops or TV's off a non-inverter generator. Since I travel with a laptop for work, I went with an inverter generator. Yes, they are more money but it sure beats frying your laptop or TV, and the inconvenience factor of losing a relatively low-cost applicance like a microwave wasn't something I was willing to risk either.
Posted 2008-01-17 11:59 AM (#74633 - in reply to #74563) Subject: RE: Inverters/Generators...???
Elite Veteran
Posts: 736
Location: Western WA
I looked briefly at getting an inverter to run AC appliances off the trailer batteries, but I'd either have to upgrade to a whole bank of batteries or not plan on running anything off the two standard RV batteries very long. A generator was the primary solution, but I may look at having solar panels installed at some point. Had solar panels on a 5th wheel we used to own and they would recharge two RV batteries in a day. I want and need AC power so the generator made sense for me, but to just keep the batteries recharged solar panels make more sense for some.