Posted 2007-11-07 7:38 PM (#70646 - in reply to #70608) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
Elite Veteran
Posts: 792 Location: East Tennessee, USA, Planet Earth
Originally written by kmartin on 2007-11-07 8:18 AM
That's too funny.....I have never thought about that....I guess a smaller horse could get in there and do that.....I wonder that if they put a cross member in that loop if it would fix the problem for you....then your horse couldn't get their nose in the handle as easy. Is it just one horse that does that all the time or do all of them do it? If it's just one I bet he's always getting into daughter has a horse that does things like that.....he's always curious about things like that.
Hi...actually Huginn has a big head for a 13.2 hand pony. My other equine is only 30" tall, poor thing...she's can't even look out the window.
Posted 2007-11-08 8:26 AM (#70670 - in reply to #70278) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
Posts: 3802 Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Sorry IPG, I was responding to Dave's post about K.Martin. I got one of them 13 hand Icelandic critters! He is nosey and will teach the other horses how to get in trouble! He is the best horse I've ever had so far as putting new weanlings with. He's really laid back and is good with the babies. He hasn't figures out how to open the bars on our Silver Star, our new Cherokee 6H-H2H don't have any drop down windows.
Posted 2007-11-08 9:06 AM (#70680 - in reply to #70278) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
The reason the bars were changed over is due to testing.....if the bars are horizontal....a horse could rear up get a foot caught in them and brake a leg......with them vertical a leg will slide out go to the manger....which is slanted....or drop into a feed bag that will brake away. This was put on here to find issues that all company's can better.....just like trailridingal said....all trailers have there flaws......getting input from true horsemen and women can help put a safer trailer on the road for all of us.
Posted 2007-11-08 9:32 AM (#70684 - in reply to #70278) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
Posts: 3802 Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Cool, never thought about one rearing and getting his or her leg caught in the "window bars". That is one reason I have never liked mangers, something to get hung up on. If one of mine rears, getting his leg caught in the bars will be the least of their worries!!! Tie them with their head high to the old Black Gum tree, put hobbles on the front, and go on about your business. Now, that will work on that rearing thing, gives them some quiet time to think about their bad behaviour!!.....And you'll be able to continue to use your old unsafe trailers with the old style cross bar drop down windows. See, I just saved a bunch of you alot of money, you don't need a new non-rearing horse or a new trailer!!!
Posted 2007-11-08 9:36 AM (#70685 - in reply to #70684) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
Posts: 2615
I saw a young horse panic,lose his balance topple over and became hung by the rope and halter which didn't break that was tied in such a manner at a trail ride.
He had injuries to his neck and his spine from it.They can really hurt themselves if they fall over while tied up in crossties or sit back and pull hard.
Posted 2007-11-08 9:50 AM (#70690 - in reply to #70684) Subject: RE: Sundowner Trailer Safety
I'm like you.....I really don't care for mangers either.....they can put a hurting on a good day....for the wrong horse, but I guess it's all preference.....everyone has their pro's and con's.