Posted 2007-09-19 6:31 PM (#68131 - in reply to #68086) Subject: RE: Pulling Trailer With Ford Explorer?
Posts: 1416
Location: sc
Originally written by hosspuller on 2007-09-19 9:16 AM
Chadsalt ... You missed the "target" of my analogy. Both of the weapons you used were handguns. ... Same caliber? Allow me a different analogy for you...
You use a Glock 17 9mm pistol (an Explorer SUV) Light tow vehicle...
I use a M198 155 mm Howitzer (Chevy 3500 dually) Heavy tow vehicle...
It doesn't matter if my driving skill (aim) is off by 30 mm, the target is hit.
90% of these topics are about a 2h BP. a novice, ham fisted yank on the wheel, and stab on the brakes at the wrong time in a crisis with 5000# in tow will put either truck in the ditch. i understand your side of the discussion, i just dont always agree with the sledge hammer to drive a nail approach.
i believe our main difference is how you and i perceive different vehicles, this may very well have to do with how much time ive spent in the big rigs. but in keeping with the analogy theme; if the explorer is the 9mm, i would class the dually as .357 magnum, not a howitzer. both will answer the call of glass breaking at 0200, a 12 gauge might be better, but i wouldnt feel "under gunned" with either pistol.
Posted 2007-09-19 6:41 PM (#68132 - in reply to #68131) Subject: RE: Pulling Trailer With Ford Explorer?
Elite Veteran
Posts: 736
Location: Western WA
Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. We all come to these forums to learn, share our experiences, and hopefully help others from making the same mistakes we did. When anyone decides its more important to be proven right, the whole intent of the forum is lost and its likely the orginal poster doesn't get any more useful information. Hoping we can get back on track with this topic by sharing useful experiences with the original poster.
Posted 2007-09-19 10:00 PM (#68140 - in reply to #63545) Subject: RE: Pulling Trailer With Ford Explorer?
Posts: 44
Location: Odessa, MO
I wouldn't be scared to pull your trailer with the Explorer.. Just use some common sense going down the road and you will be fine.. Leave a good distance between the car in front of you and so on.. If your trailer didn't have brakes I would say don't attempt it.. Since it does, go ride and have fun! Never mind all of these other people arguing about it.
Posted 2007-09-20 7:29 AM (#68147 - in reply to #63545) Subject: RE: Pulling Trailer With Ford Explorer?
Location: Oklahoma
This discussion has probably taken up enough time and space and more than likely has out lived its usefulness. We can agree to disagree OK! Nothing personal was ever intended. Just coffee shop talk.!!