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Do I really need a generator?

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Last activity 2007-04-16 7:52 PM
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Reg. Mar 2007
Posted 2007-04-14 1:02 AM (#59261)
Subject: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 9

Location: Washington
So I am going to get my first LQ trailer, I will only be using it for weekend shows and the LQ will be very minimal (6 ft short wall, fridge, stove, heat, shower/toilet, no AC).  So do I need a generator to run this thing or can it work off of batteries and propane for a couple days?  I know nothing of LQ life, I've been cot camping in the horse area of my current trailer .   Any suggestions?

Edited by 3dayremy 2007-04-14 1:07 AM
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2007-04-14 7:49 AM (#59269 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

When I bought my 1st LQ several years ago, I had no plans to buy a generator. The thought had never crossed my mind.

After I got the trailer, I discovered that I needed one to use much of the stuff built into the trailer.

Of course the A/C, Microwave and even my Hot water where all 110v operated and needed a generator to run.

I can make through a weekend using the batteries for lights and water pump. But not if I take my wife and daughters with me.

So for me I bought a 2400 watt Yamaha generator and run it for 30 minutes a day to recharge the batteries, Use the microwave to heat up some food and heat the water in the water heater.

Only once have I turned on the A/C while camping. We had a real hot spell while up in Jackson Hole last July and with out it we never would have gotten the trailer cooled down enough to sleep in it that night.

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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2007-04-14 8:47 AM (#59272 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 247
Location: La Crosse, WI - God's Country
We use our LQ for weekend shows and trail rides. For most of those, we've got hookups available. Weekend trips are definitely no problem with just the wife and me running on just batteries.

Our rig has two deep cycle batteries. The longest we've camped disconnected was a week in Custer State Park - I brought along a spare pair of batteries, but didn't need those until 3/4 the way through.

A lot depends on the level of creature comforts you require and how minimal you go with your power use (and how many "consumers" you've got). If you're thinking AC in the future - you'll clearly need a generator but they're sometimes regulated by parks as to when/if you can use them. Some folks have loud, inexpensive generators for "topping off" the batteries during the day at the parks that let you run them during certain times. We pretty much just use the water pump for dishes, shower (usually we end up with our friends using the shower if there aren't any close by), toilet, minimal lights, and the mandatory tunes.

For me, the key decision point is AC - if we're camping in hot conditions, you may want it...

Of course, your mileage will vary.

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Reg. Mar 2007
Posted 2007-04-14 11:46 AM (#59279 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 9

Location: Washington
It will probably be just me using the LQ, won't be using a/c, I live in western WA and even if I travel to a show in a hot area, it usually cools down pretty well at night. Could I charge my batteries by turning the truck on for a while each day? I rented a camper trailer once years ago and it didn't have a generator. We ran the hot water heater, lights, fridge, and water pump all on batteries and LP (I'm assuming). The rental guy told us to plug the electrical cord into the truck and run it for 20 minutes or so if our power levels got low. We had it for a week and only ran the truck 2 or 3 times.
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2007-04-14 2:45 PM (#59283 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 309
Location: MO
You should be fine for a weekend running on batteries. It's really only a/c and microwave that absolutely require 120v electric. The truck will charge the batteries while running. Driving from home to the show site, for instance will do the job. If the batteries should get low, you can refresh them by running your truck for an hour or so. Not economical really. But, cheaper than buying a generator.

We bought a used Onan that had been taken out of an RV. We use it when we're on a long 2 week or more trip and if we want to use the micro or have a/c. In southern MO, that's often a necessity. But, will run fine on batteries for a weekend.
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Reg. Mar 2006
Posted 2007-04-15 10:03 PM (#59358 - in reply to #59283)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 134
Location: Coarsegold, CA
Buy an LQ where the Refrig runs off Propane and the Water heater run off propane and there are two batteries. You will be good for a weekend. To help save on batteries, run the truck while showering (recharges and the water pump will run better) to just run lights and hand washing water, batteries will be fine. If you buy used, put in two new batteries to start with. Even if there are plug ins, you will be independant.
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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2007-04-15 10:34 PM (#59361 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?


Posts: 18

I have a single 12v deep cycle battery. The only thing it has to power is interior lights and a 12v socket for a DVD player or fan. Everything else is propane (stove, water heater and heater). The water faucet is the old fashioned hand pump type. We have stayed for up to 4 nights with no problem. 


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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2007-04-16 7:08 AM (#59376 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 648
Location: Coconut Creek, FL

Ditto on getting a LQ with propane fridge, hot water heater, & cooktop.  I'm in South Fla and have used the AC when I had electric if it was hot mainy after a shower.  I have 2 fans the osscilate - one directed towards the sink are and the other in the GN and they are usually enough to cool me off.

   My generator isn't powerful enough to run the AC and I will be getting a stronger quieter one, but it can run the microwave and I use it to recharge the batteries. It's handy to run an electric heater if needed which you might need more due to your location.

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2007-04-16 7:52 PM (#59426 - in reply to #59261)
Subject: RE: Do I really need a generator?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 309
Location: MO
The BIG user of electric is the a/c. The next biggest is the microwave, then furnace and water pump. Our refridg is gas/electric. It only runs electric when plugged in. Otherwise it runs on gas. Other than for a/c 2,00 watts is sufficient to run all else. For a/c we need 3500+. Our Onan is 4,000 Watts and is plenty.
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