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Aluminum Trailer Wheels

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Last activity 2005-04-04 8:05 AM
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Reg. Apr 2004
Posted 2005-04-03 5:03 PM (#23360)
Subject: Aluminum Trailer Wheels

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 333

I am thinking from going to the steel wheels to all aluminum trailer wheels.  I know they have to be specially milled to handle the weight of the trailer/horses.  I have a 2900 lb two horse BP.

Where would be the best place to find these wheels?  I saw a Trailet with them on and the trailer was really sharp looking.


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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-04-04 8:05 AM (#23379 - in reply to #23360)
Subject: RE: Aluminum Trailer Wheels


Posts: 2689
Almost any of what used to be called "Speed Shops", such as Pep Boys, Auto Zone, etc. You will need to know rim size (diameter and width), bolt circle diameter and offset (distance from rim's true center to mounting face). The best bet would be to take your existing spare to such a place and have them measure it, they should have guages for this (and the competence to use them).
Be aware that when bare alumin and steel remain in contact with each other for long periods of time in the presence of air and moisture they tend to "bond". This can make changing a flat a serious pain, especially if you have horses on board and don't want to resort to sledge hammer techniques just to get a wheel off. I can't/won't tell you my own solution to avoid this problem - there is a potential liability issue if you were to take it as "advice". Trim rings or other decorative hub caps would be simpler and a lot cheaper.

I don't think I'm able to see my trailer's wheels from the truck, I think the horses can't see them either, the neighbors are already so negatively impressed with me that glitzing up the trailer wheels probably wouldn't help my standing with them.

Edited by Reg 2005-04-04 8:08 AM
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