Does anyone know of a 110v flush mount ceiling light that is designed like the 12 volt to mount without having to try and fit a gang box in the ceiling or some kind of light that all you do is feed the wire through the ceiling. My trailer is a 110 only and am having a time finding 110v stuff to fit in the limited space between the walls and what will be the finished panel. Thank you
Posted 2012-03-24 9:29 PM (#142457 - in reply to #142450) Subject: RE: 110 interior lights
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
Other than a surface mount fluorescent fixture, I can't think of any. Heat is an issue with the larger voltages.
They do make gang boxes that are half as deep as standard boxes, that can be used for LQ interiors. They are commonly available at hardware and big box stores.
Posted 2012-03-25 8:52 AM (#142464 - in reply to #142450) Subject: RE: 110 interior lights
Posts: 26 Location: East Texas
Take a look at the Led "puck" and "strip" lights. Some are made to recess, some are only an inch or so thick. Good light source also.
I used a three Led strip over the sink and have two sets of three light pucks in the neck.