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What LQ trailer should I look at?

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Reg. Jan 2012
Posted 2012-01-03 8:39 PM (#139816)
Subject: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5

Location: MN
Hello all,

My wife and I are getting ready to take off for some time with our horses and just travel and ride. We currently have a 2006 GMC Sierra 2500 diesel, crew cab 4x4 short bed truck (and love it too). I am thinking with a diesel engine, 4x4 and a crew cab, the truck does not have much left in terms of how much weight it can pull.

So, our dilemma is this: how much LQ trailer can we pull - what should we look at? Also, is it better to look at something like the Lakota bumper pull LQs (since we have a short-bed) or can goosenecks safely be towed with a short bed truck (that also seems to be underpowered)? We have two horses so would be looking for a 3 horse trailer (to be able to use one of the stalls for hay or whatever else we need to bring on the trip).

Any advice is welcome! :)


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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2012-01-03 10:02 PM (#139820 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 610
Location: Northern CA
I have the same truck except mine is extended cab not crew. You will be fine with the short-box. just watch your cab when making tight turns. I would find something with a LQ in the 5 or 6' shortwall dimensions. My friend(has the exact same truck as you) pulled her 3 horse Sundowner with an 8' sw( I believe)no problems. She did tow only one horse though.

Edited by jackbrat 2012-01-03 10:04 PM
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2012-01-03 11:50 PM (#139824 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

You will want a trailer with a tapered or rounded nose. An 8' wide trailer with a square front, will most likely take out your rear window on tight turns. You can purchase various adapters that set the hitch several inches back from the hitch ball. This can lessen the nose/cab interference problems.

A modern diesel such as yours, should NOT be under powered to pull an average sized trailer. The pin weight will decide what you can tow, not your HP or torque.

A 3H GN trailer will be much more stable in towing than a Lakota BP HUT. It will offer a larger storage and living space, and many more are available in used and new offerings.

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Reg. Jan 2012
Posted 2012-01-04 8:21 AM (#139827 - in reply to #139824)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5

Location: MN
Originally written by gard on 2012-01-03 11:50 PM

You will want a trailer with a tapered or rounded nose. An 8' wide trailer with a square front, will most likely take out your rear window on tight turns. You can purchase various adapters that set the hitch several inches back from the hitch ball. This can lessen the nose/cab interference problems.

A modern diesel such as yours, should NOT be under powered to pull an average sized trailer. The pin weight will decide what you can tow, not your HP or torque.

A 3H GN trailer will be much more stable in towing than a Lakota BP HUT. It will offer a larger storage and living space, and many more are available in used and new offerings.


Thanks for your reply. What I worry about when using an extension on the GN ball to set it back a few inches is that it will end up behind the rear axle - this is not ideal, am I correct?

I was thinking of a BP Lakota with an anti-sway weight distributing setup (I would not have it any other way) ;)

Yes, you are correct, I am not worried about the horse power (I think the transmission and engine are the same on a 2500 and a 3500 most of the time?) - my concern is more on the "how much weight can I safely carry" side. I am not very accepting of the "my friend had the same truck as you and she was OK pulling a 3H GN 15,000 lbs trailer" anecdotes since the person involved could just have been lucky (ignorance is bliss, right?) :). I would much rather have a more scientific way to figure this out.

I am guessing I should go out and get my truck weighed at the scale with a full tank and then figure out how much I can really carry. Then I should be looking for a V-nosed GN of some sort?

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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2012-01-04 8:25 AM (#139828 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 90
I had basically the same type truck as you describe prior to what I have now and pulled a 2 horse Elite with 10'8 LQ square and dropped nose using a Pop Up coupler with the 9" setback. Perfect setup, no problems turning. I had plenty of power and stop as well. Now I have a one ton 4x4 long bed dually and same trailer except 3 horse... Feels more stable (meaning I basically can't feel the trailer), but I do miss the 5 mpg I lost!
Good luck to you, sounds like you are up for some fun!
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2012-01-04 9:12 AM (#139829 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
IMO- your truck will handle a variety of trailer sizes. I would think a 3H GN with 6-8 ft LQ would be fine. I haul a 3H GN with weekender and midtack with my 3/4 ton F250 gas. I would not get a BP. They do not allow for space not do they haul with as much stability as a GN.
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2012-01-04 11:17 AM (#139831 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

 What I worry about when using an extension on the GN ball to set it back a few inches is that it will end up behind the rear axle - this is not ideal, am I correct?

By using an extension on the GN hitch, the nose of the trailer is usualy moved to or slightly behind the truck's rear axle. Because the adapter sits on the towing ball in its original position, the trailer's pin weight is applied wherever the hitch's ball is located.

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Reg. Jan 2012
Posted 2012-01-04 11:50 AM (#139833 - in reply to #139831)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5

Location: MN
Originally written by gard on 2012-01-04 11:17 AM

 What I worry about when using an extension on the GN ball to set it back a few inches is that it will end up behind the rear axle - this is not ideal, am I correct?

By using an extension on the GN hitch, the nose of the trailer is usualy moved to or slightly behind the truck's rear axle. Because the adapter sits on the towing ball in its original position, the trailer's pin weight is applied wherever the hitch's ball is located.

Didn't know that (and it doesn't make much sense to me) :). The adapter couples to the ball, correct (because it has to connect to the truck somehow) but the actual trailer connection to the adapter is behind the axle. How is the vertical direction weight transferred to the ball? Is there any literature to support this (like a claim made by a manufacturer that has actually been tested)?


Edited by ognend 2012-01-04 11:51 AM
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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2012-01-04 12:14 PM (#139834 - in reply to #139833)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Originally written by ognend on 2012-01-04 11:50 AM

Originally written by gard on 2012-01-04 11:17 AM

 What I worry about when using an extension on the GN ball to set it back a few inches is that it will end up behind the rear axle - this is not ideal, am I correct?

By using an extension on the GN hitch, the nose of the trailer is usualy moved to or slightly behind the truck's rear axle. Because the adapter sits on the towing ball in its original position, the trailer's pin weight is applied wherever the hitch's ball is located.

Didn't know that (and it doesn't make much sense to me) :). The adapter couples to the ball, correct (because it has to connect to the truck somehow) but the actual trailer connection to the adapter is behind the axle. How is the vertical direction weight transferred to the ball? Is there any literature to support this (like a claim made by a manufacturer that has actually been tested)? Thanks! OD


Extension attaches to the trailer.... Weight still sits on the ball, ball is in the same place it's always been.. Pictures in this link..


Model SB1, Now with side holes to fit the new Bull Dog pin system. #SB1 How do you hook up your short bed truck to your gooseneck trailer?  9 inch gooseneck extension

B&W has a replacement ball that moves the ball back several inches, yet the weight is still carried in front of the axle or in the same spot as the regular ball.


 Never mind the jibberish below, don't know where that came from....


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Edited by retento 2012-01-04 12:17 PM
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-01-04 12:47 PM (#139835 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 385
Location: high desert, CA.
[IMG]http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h84/siseley/new%20truck%20and%20trailer/newtrailerpicsandnewtruck019.jpg[/IMG]new rig, Dodge 3500, and trails west 4 horse w/living qtrshttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h84/siseley/camping%20and%20travels/002.jpghttp://s62.photobucket.com/albums/h84/siseley/camping%20and%20travels/?action=view¤t=002.jpgNo problem with a short wall and a 4 horse trailer including extra water, hay, and lots of liquid libations
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-01-04 12:56 PM (#139836 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 385
Location: high desert, CA.
As before, I am towing a 4horse with small liv quarters. on the scales she weighs about 18,000 lbs for trailer with 4 horses and stuff, and the truck is about 6500. Sooooo....you should be fine with a hitch extension, and don't forget, where I live everything is UPHILL to where I want to go. Watch your EGT's, and trans temp, gear down if temps get too high, and on the flats tow in tow/haul mode on trans.If you see your temps rise too high for trans or engine EGT, slow down and get out of the throttle, then make sure to keep the turbo blowing into the engine by running at a slightly higher rpm. Remember, Diesels make their power at lower rpm than gassers, and can even run the torque converter in lockup mode.
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Reg. Dec 2011
Posted 2012-01-04 2:31 PM (#139837 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 13

Location: Canada
Hello.. I pull a 7'6'' wide and high 3 horse,with 9'LQ All loaded up 2 ponys, feed,tack, camping equipment etc,etc. I am just under 12000lbs.I pull this rig with a 06 2500 4x4 dodge with a hemi. I put air bags on that helps stability. Power wise the hemi is adequate... just.Grew up on a farm driving gas single axle grain trucks ,drove semi's hauling cattle grain etc. So i do have some a** time behind the wheel. Your truck is more than enough. I would go with a GN ,a bumper pull is not even in the same time zone. JMHO mind you .
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Reg. Dec 2011
Posted 2012-01-04 2:33 PM (#139838 - in reply to #139837)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 13

Location: Canada
Also I have a shortbed I  have no trouble with a GN.
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Reg. Jan 2012
Posted 2012-01-04 8:13 PM (#139843 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 5

Location: MN
Everyone, thanks a bunch! I am convinced - going to look into a 3H GN LQ - will use a hitch extension in the truck bed. That way I get to keep the truck I love, it only has 120K miles and is in perfect shape otherwise (and best thing, I own it outright!) :)

Again, much obliged!
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Reg. Oct 2007
Posted 2012-01-05 4:03 AM (#139845 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 233
Location: Pataskala, Ohio

I have a 2500HD short bed and I have had no issues pulling my Lakota 4 horse goose neck with the tapered nose.  I have had it turned as tight as it would go and I will bend sheet metal before I bust out the rear window.

Your truck being a diesel should have all the power you would need, I am pulling mine with a 6.0 gas, well it is supercharged, but your diesel should do fine.

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Reg. Sep 2008
Posted 2012-01-15 7:01 PM (#140047 - in reply to #139816)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 8

I have a friend that has a Silverado 2500HD ext cab with the 6.6 turbo diesel engine and pulls an all metal (no aluminum)3 horse LQ trailer with no problems here in Ohio. They trailer to the slightly hilly Southern Ohio sometimes and never have a issues. They also once a year take one horse from here to Missouri non stop and back a week later and again no worries. But...the thing you should do is to look at the RPO codes in your glove box and maybe take a picture of them to make it easier to read. It's a sticker on the left side with three digit identifiers for all of your trucks' options. Once you see what kind of rear end ratio, trailing and cooling packages it has look in the trucks manual for what weight it can tow. I think you will be surprised at the big weight it will pull. My wife uses our all stock '05 Silverado 1500 ext cab with 5.3 engine, F82 trailing package, 4:10 gear ratio, aux oil and trans cooler and electric fans on the HD radiator to pull our GN Sundowner 2 horse trailer weighting 5700 pounds loaded and it's 3000 pounds under the max trailer weight. Starting up and stopping you can feel it but up and running you have to try hard not to forget it's back there.Sonny01
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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2012-01-16 2:13 PM (#140072 - in reply to #139837)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 8

Location: lakewood, Wa
Is your truck a dually? I have the same truck and am looking to see how much trailer I can safely pull. Also Short or long bed?
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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2012-01-16 2:30 PM (#140073 - in reply to #140072)
Subject: RE: What LQ trailer should I look at?


Posts: 8

Location: lakewood, Wa
Sorry my Question was to Curtis. I have the same truck.
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