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Coupler problems...

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Last activity 2011-12-30 5:18 AM
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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2011-12-29 9:42 PM (#139729)
Subject: Coupler problems...


Posts: 6

Location: Reedsville, Ohio
Well, lesson learned about loaning out my old faithful horse trailer. My 97' Sundowner 4 Horse was returned to me with the coupler being turned just a tad to the left (wasn't there to see them drop it off but I bet the had fun getting it off their truck). It doesn't look bent but it def. isn't on straight. When I first hooked up to it today I noticed the change and finally got it unhooked after a few choice words and jumping up and down in the truck bed to try and get it off again lol. All of the bolts and hardware are on tight and I couldn't get them to break free due to some light rusting. Is this a common in older horse trailers? Will the coupler need replaced or could it be the old hardware? This is foreign territory for me and I have no idea what to look for and check to be absolutely sure.

Edited by GrittyCowgirl 2011-12-29 9:43 PM
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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2011-12-30 4:32 AM (#139737 - in reply to #139729)
Subject: RE: Coupler problems...


Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.

I would contact the one that borrowed it, letting them know the coupler has beeen damaged while they had it in they're posession..... Borrower should have made necessary repairs.

Another reason I don't loan any equipment, dogs, horses or pigs to anyone, specially kin folk!!


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Reg. Jun 2006
Posted 2011-12-30 5:18 AM (#139738 - in reply to #139729)
Subject: RE: Coupler problems...

Location: Central Arkansas
Sounds like to me, they adjusted it for truck bed clearance and didn't get the adjustment bolts tight. Just loosen the two big bolts on the front and turn it to where it should be. Then, make sure you get them good and tight so it doesn't turn again!
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