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AC Unit

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Last activity 2011-07-30 11:08 AM
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2011-07-30 7:08 AM (#136215)
Subject: AC Unit


Posts: 121
Location: MO

My AC unit is blowing cool, but not cold air.  I've cleaned the filter, but it didn't make a difference.  I was told it probably needed recharging.  Called the local trailer dealer and they said they didn't do that kind of work; call a RV dealer.  Called a RV dealer and they told me the same thing, but said any local heating/cooling business could service it.  Called a local heating/cooling business and they didn't know what I was talking about.  Called another RV dealer and was told rooftop AC units cannot be serviced (recharged) and that I may need a new unit.

Can anybody help me on this?  I'm going to take the shroud off to make sure everything is good underneath it, but can't do it with all this hot weather.  Don't want to burn myself on the aluminum.

Also, My trailer sat through a hail storm and I know I have roof damage because I can see the dimples from inside the trailer in the horse area.  Pretty unsightly, so thinking about insulating the roof interior.  Any recommendations on the best way to DIY? 

Edited by Kesta 2011-07-30 7:10 AM
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2011-07-30 11:08 AM (#136219 - in reply to #136215)
Subject: RE: AC Unit


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina
The last RV place likely gave you good advice. If the unit has lost some of its charge, it has a leak. Simply adding freon won't make the leak go away. The problem is the RV units may or may not have charging ports like a central house unit. The charging ports add to intial cost so are left out at manufacturing. To add freon to such a unit, charging ports will have to be installed adding to the repair bill. You won't be happy with a big $$ repair that didn't fix the problem. Finding and repairing the leak will add even more to the cost. Further, you will still have an old unit with something else to leak.

You are best served making sure the coils, Fan and intake areas of top and bottom units are clean and clear. Also make sure you don't have an air leak drawing hot air into the cold air stream. (cracked blower housing or rotted fan shaft air seal will do this)

These are the economic fixable causes.
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