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mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

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Last activity 2011-03-06 2:25 PM
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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2011-03-06 9:16 AM (#131248)
Subject: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

New User

Posts: 4

Location: Hesperus, CO
Buying a four horse slant with living quarters...big debate..mangers or not.  Also have you ever had breast or butt bars placed in slants?  Help!
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2011-03-06 10:12 AM (#131249 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

I love the storage that under the mangers give.

I also like being able to put feed in for the horses to eat while tow.  Hay bags just never seem to last inside the trailer.  The horse rub and scratch on them and pull the gromets right out.  But a metal manger always stays put.

Disadvantage is that it makes the inside of  the trailer narrower.  So if you ever think you may want to haul a golf cart, a gator or ATV's inside your horse trailer. There is less room to do so.  The narrower space, also means, that most horses will have to back out vs turning around and walking out. Not a big deal, but just one more thing to train your horses to do ( and I think all horse should be comfortable backing out)

With no mangers, My panels fold flat against the front wall, and I occassionally use that to crowd and extra horse in. If you have managers, The panels can not fold flat against the wall and it will prevent this. And there are times when I'd rather squeeze 5 horses in my 4h trailer vs drive two trucks pulling two trailers.

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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2011-03-06 10:12 AM (#131250 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Not in a 7' wide trailer.
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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2011-03-06 10:17 AM (#131252 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

New User

Posts: 4

Location: Hesperus, CO

I am looking at an 8 foot wide trailer  and I have large horses...thoughts?

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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2011-03-06 10:18 AM (#131253 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

New User

Posts: 4

Location: Hesperus, CO
It is an 8 foot trailer
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Reg. Mar 2004
Posted 2011-03-06 10:32 AM (#131254 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not


Posts: 1205
Location: Arkansas

We have an 8 wide with mangers........love the room the animals have, and the storage, and can put a water bucket in at a rest stop and give them plenty of drinking time etc on a trip....have had a friend who had mangers in a 7 wide, and it was cramped.  One thing is, our mangers are not as deep as the horse is from chest to nose, so in the trailer, there is still space in front of their nose and chest in a relaxed position, and room behind their hindquarters, so it seems an easy fit.  If I were hauling commercially, I would not want the mangers, but ours are experienced, broke, haulers, and not inclined to "get into" the mangers!

We do like the 60/40 door on the rear, with removeable post and collapsible tackroom.  We just remove the post and set the partition over about 2 inches, and we can load a 4 wheeler easily into the horse compartment if needed...just another way of the trailer being versitle, and not having to have 2 campers...

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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2011-03-06 10:36 AM (#131255 - in reply to #131248)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 560
Location: Mena, AR
If your hauling the average QH size horse, in a 8' wide trailer, then I'd go with the managers. If you hauling really large horses, and will need the room for them, then it would make sense to leave them out. I really like having managers, and would not have a trailer without them. If you have a choice, have at least one manager door be the bigger size. It's great if you need to have something heavy in your manager and don't want to bend in at the waist to get it in & out. It also makes it easier to clean out the manager storage area.
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Reg. Mar 2011
Posted 2011-03-06 2:25 PM (#131263 - in reply to #131254)
Subject: RE: mangers in a 4 horse slant or not

New User

Posts: 4

Location: Hesperus, CO
How deep are your mangers?  Thanks for the information
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