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Opening up Dressing Room

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Last activity 2010-05-02 5:19 PM
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Reg. Apr 2010
Posted 2010-05-02 5:19 PM (#119624)
Subject: Opening up Dressing Room


Posts: 28
Location: Harrodsburg, KY

I'm a carriage driver and I am trying to be creative with fitting as many carriages and horses into my 20' on the floor trailer and give us a dry, moderately comfortable living area and a trailer that covers both my husband's and my needs.  And let me tell you, many hours have been spent hashing this out.

I have an EXISS STC 20 and for what it cost and what I use it for, I really like it.  The trailer comes with a 4' straight wall DR.  We've been trailering with the carriage/s in front and the horse in the back and that seems to work fairly well.  I've ridden back there myself several times to test out the ride b/t the front and the back areas.

The question is, is it a really bad idea for me to want to put in about a 4' swing door in the DR wall so that it can swing out into the front stall to make the DR more open while we are at the show?  My vision is to have the harness which is currently on the 4' wall, hang on the swing door using the Gladiator GearTrack that I love, so it will be opened out into the horse area while parked.  A 4' DR in the rain at a show w/all of my harnesses and stuff is tight, tight, tight.  I'm not looking for wood paneling, showers, appliances, etc. in the DR, I just want it big enough to dress in comfortably and hang out in at night should the weather be terrible. 

We also use the trailer to haul cows occasionally and there will be times when horses will be in the front compartment.

The biggest concern is how to make this extra wide walk through door structurally sound should a big bull butt get planted right in the middle of it for some reason.

I have a lot of tools and mostly willing smart guy labor to help with this project so the cost should primarily be the materials.

I've been looking at trailers and what other people are doing for a few years now and in weighing price, flexibility, maneuverability, etc. nothing has had much appeal so please let me know your thoughts on my latest idea.



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