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more NY trooper drama

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Last activity 2009-11-29 5:56 PM
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2009-11-20 5:03 PM (#113474 - in reply to #113442)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.

Originally written by crowleysridgegirl on 2009-11-20 6:46 AM

That's easy.You think they don't keep records of the stops that are made?


Who's saying he even logged it?

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Reg. Apr 2005
Posted 2009-11-20 7:33 PM (#113476 - in reply to #113474)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama


Posts: 2615

Aren't they required to run their dash cams during every stop that they make? Are they not required to radio in when they are in the process of making a stop? I'd think for their own safety,if nothing else.Be pretty dumb not to.

I promise you that if I were her,and,I wanted to find out the name of the guy who stopped me,I could and I would do so.No problemo.Why do you seem to have a problem with that?

Edited by crowleysridgegirl 2009-11-20 7:35 PM
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Reg. Aug 2008
Posted 2009-11-21 5:17 AM (#113480 - in reply to #113350)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama

Elite Veteran

Posts: 681
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
When cops stop people, they are required to tell dispatch that they are "going out" on this subject and usually run the plate, which is how they catch some rolling stolens or other guys who merit further contact..That way someone always knows what is going on and if something goes wrong and the cop needs help in a hurry, dispatch already has an idea of what is going on and who their dealing with. There should be a record of it in the dispatch log, if someone chose to inquire that far.
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Reg. Nov 2009
Posted 2009-11-26 7:35 PM (#113666 - in reply to #113350)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama

New User

Posts: 3

Location: winsted ct

yeah I had a aweful experience in NY also.  we were headed to lexington va for the colonials. and was stuck along the side of the Interstate 1 mile from the thurway.  it was night time and no one would stop. cop passed several times. we were loaded.  had 2 flats on the same side and what a mess.  called 911 and was told there was nothing they could do.  I called bs on that and would not take their answer. called our moter plan, they said they didn't do horse trailers but would get us the help we needed.  they called the NY troopers and said get out there and help them. we were on speaker phone.  they never showed up. fineally after 4 hrs there a service truck was tracked down from many phone calls.  and 600 bucks later.  still no sign of troopers help. just kept driving by.  what the kicker was we had 3 horses on and 5 people in the rig. 3 were kids.

the service guy was very unhappy having to change 2 tires and have horses on.  thank god they were all great on the trailer. the guy said" are you sure there is horses on? my reply was yes a full load of men.( horses are all geldings), he looked at me funny and then went back to work.  needless to say  the NY troopers are worthless along with the dispatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Reg. Mar 2008
Posted 2009-11-26 8:10 PM (#113669 - in reply to #113666)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama


Posts: 25
Location: Canada
Well, let me just throw in my POSITIVE experience with police! We blew a tire on the 401 on the way to a show fully loaded with 6 horses. We changed the tire out, and in the process a OPP (ontario provincial police) officer stopped to give us a hand. Was very helpful and polite. When it was time for us to get into traffic he even put his lights on to help us merge.

I dont know what some of you expect them to do when you get stuck with a flat and call them? They're not gonna come and do all the grunt work and change the tire for you, that's certainly not their job! Unless it's an emergency situation you're probably going to be their last priority.

It sucks that you were pulled over and held up for so long, not every officer is going to appreciate how delicately we treat our horses. The only thing we can do is be prepared for the unexpected to happen with lots of extra water!
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2009-11-26 9:14 PM (#113671 - in reply to #113666)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by drumrunners1968 on 2009-11-26 4:35 PM

yeah I had a aweful experience in NY also.  we were headed to lexington va for the colonials. and was stuck along the side of the Interstate 1 mile from the thurway.  it was night time and no one would stop. cop passed several times. we were loaded.  had 2 flats on the same side and what a mess.  called 911 and was told there was nothing they could do.  I called bs on that and would not take their answer. called our moter plan, they said they didn't do horse trailers but would get us the help we needed.  they called the NY troopers and said get out there and help them. we were on speaker phone.  they never showed up. fineally after 4 hrs there a service truck was tracked down from many phone calls.  and 600 bucks later.  still no sign of troopers help. just kept driving by.  what the kicker was we had 3 horses on and 5 people in the rig. 3 were kids.

the service guy was very unhappy having to change 2 tires and have horses on.  thank god they were all great on the trailer. the guy said" are you sure there is horses on? my reply was yes a full load of men.( horses are all geldings), he looked at me funny and then went back to work.  needless to say  the NY troopers are worthless along with the dispatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

drumrunners1968:  I am sympathetic to your troubles.  I also trailer horses.  But I don't agree that either NY 911 or NY state troopers is at all responsible for helping in your situation.  Sounds like there was no human life at risk.  I doubt your motor plan has any authority over the NY troopers in task assignment or dispatch.  It was likely a bit a theater for your benefit.

I do suggest you get a membership at US Rider.  They WILL help disabled horse trailers.  (My experience with USRider has been great) They also suggest carrying TWO spares since their experience is the same as yours.  It is likely both tires on a side will be damaged in an incident.  I still haven't figured where to mount the second spare, so I just throw it into the truck bed. 

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2009-11-27 10:26 AM (#113676 - in reply to #113350)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama


Posts: 1877
Location: NY
US RIDER works great do not leave home with out it
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Reg. Jul 2008
Posted 2009-11-29 5:56 PM (#113729 - in reply to #113356)
Subject: RE: more NY trooper drama


Posts: 20

Thank goodness have not had experiance like this but a friend did and it was in Texas with a trailer load of horses, if I remember correct she called them on keeping her by letting them know the law is that if they are going to keep you over so long a time (I am not sure what that time frame is but I bet someone knows) they have to provide some place for you to unload your stock and water it, in this case she did not have something I think it was probably registration, the kicker is she was the trainer for a person who owned a car dealership and the rig that she was pulling was his. I have always had it in the back of my mind if I ever got pulled over on a hot day I sure would pull out this ace card. Oh and they did not detain her by the way.

Pat Moore

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