From Sharon:
Time is running out to make comments on the Federal Register regarding the official numbering system. The White House said that rules and rulemaking would be put on hold, but it appears to be a very subjective thing, and it does not look this these rules are going to be subject to that. So, please, speak up, speak out.
Additionally there are four bills currently in varying phases of the legislative process, but all introduced, and would mandate NAIS irrespective of this rule.
HR 875: Creates the Food Safety Administration, contains mandates for NAIS, considers it already law. Fines of $1M and up to 10 years in jail, not exclusive. Allows the new Food Safety Administrator to set fees for annual registration of “establishments” (anyplace that comes into contact with food or its ingredients - and does NOT exclude private residences!!), issue orders and rules with the weight of law. This bill also cites executive order 12988, and so claims to pre-empt local and state laws to the contrary.
HR814: is NAIS.
S425: NAIS - for all food from seeds to fork.
HR 1105 is the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. This provides more than $14M for NAIS, including over $9M specifically for traceability.
See the bills at: