Trailer Details

Price:  $0
Year:  2024
Make/model:  Cimarron Trailers  2H BP Straight Load
Horses:  2
Pull Type:  B
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  0'
Location:  , 
Stock #:  8007

Contact Info

Contact:  Mark Kusilek

2024  Cimarron Trailers

Description:  2024 Cimarron 2H BP Straight Load * Rear Ramp * Padded Divider * Padded Chest & Butt Bars * WERM Floor * 2 Escape Doors * Front Dressing Room * 2 Saddle Racks * Pad Bar * Bridle Hooks * Spare Tire VIN:5817 *The information in this ad is believed to be accurate, any error is unintentional. Please verify information when purchasing.*