Trailer Details

Price:  $19,000
Year:  2003
Make/model:  4 Star  Weekender
Horses:  2
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  Yes
Trailer Length:  24'
Location:  Sarasota,  FL
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Rowie Percoco
Phone:  9415049481

2003  4 Star

Description:  4 Star 24' all Aluminum 2 Horse Weekender, Pulls with Ford 150 or similar. Very light easy to pull, never a problem traveling, Slant load 2 good size stalls, fans, back tack room. 4 New Tires. Interior remodeled, New Awning, Refrigerator, AC, Stove, Microwave, Large Sink, Digital TV, Hot Water Heater, Porta Potty, Cowboy shower, self contained water system, 100 gal tank. 2 Deep Cycle batteries. Plus more features to make this a fun weekend experience. Call or Text 941-504-9481