Trailer Details

Price:  $26,900
Year:  2025
Make/model:  Featherlite  2 Horse Straight Load Bumper Pull
Horses:  2
Pull Type:  B
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  14' 4"
Location:  Pilot Point,  TX
Stock #:  SC164673

Contact Info

Contact:  TCST Sales Department
Phone:  940-365-9919

2025  Featherlite

Description:  2025 Featherlite 2H Straight Load Bumper Pull Horse Trailer

Horse area features;

* Rear ramp
* 20" x 20" windows in rear doors
* Spring loaded aluminum butt/chest bar w/padding
* Stall divider with air flo shoulder separator and pads
* 48" rubber wall liner
* Feed manger on each stall
* Drop down feed doors with drop down faceguards on each stall (head)
* Bus windows (hip)
* Pop up roof vents
* Rubber floor matts
* LED lights

Dressing room features;

* Camper style entry door with window and deadbolt
* Walk thru door to horse area
* Turf on floor
* Adjustable saddle rack mounted under each manger
* Clothes rod
* Halter hooks
* Brush box
* Blanket tree

Trailer features;

* 51" dressing room upgrade
* 6" extra height upgrade (7'6" tall)
* Screen door upgrade
* ST2358/80R16 tires mounted on silver aluminum rims with matching spare
* Tongue jack
* Gravel guard
* Two bus windows in nose

Financing Available with rates as low as 6.49 WAC
Delivery Nationwide
Call your sales department at 940-365-9919
After hours 612-381-6782