6'8" Wide, 13' Long Box, 7'2" Tall
All Aluminum Construction
Tandem 3500# Torsion Axles
15" Radial Tires with 6 Lug Wheels - 8 Ply
4 Wheel Electric Brakes
One Piece Aluminum Roof
White Aluminum Nose Sheets
Treadplate Gravel Guard on Nose
2" x 4" I Beams on 12" centers
Extruded Aluminum Exterior Slats
Two Air Spaces with Plexiglas Tracks
Center Gate with Heavy Duty Slam Latch and External Release
2 Compartments (One Center Gate)
Extruded interlocking non-skid aluminum floor
Rubber Floor Mats
32" Wide Streetside Unload Door
Full Swing Rear Gate with Easy-Glide Slider with Handle
Rubber Bumper
LED Dome Light with Switch on Rear Frame
Spare Tire with Exterior Mount
2 5/16" Coupler
Call D2 Trailer Sales 209-745-5480 or for more info www.d2trailersales.com