Trailer Details

Price:  $49,000
Year:  2015
Make/model:  4 star  Head to Head
Horses:  4
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  28'
Location:  Port Townsend,  WA
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Keely Stranahan
Phone:  360-316-9174

2015  4 star

Description:  2015 4 - Star Head to Head Gooseneck Trailer Great condition, 8' tall, new Axels, tires have good tread, new spare, side ramp 60" wide X 58 1/2" tall, rear ramp 60" tall, fold down saddle racks in 44" tack room, 5' bridle rack, blanket bar in tack room, large windows throughout horse box, aluminum battery box, electric jack, can be made into three box stalls using the three large dividers. walk thru door with drop down and window, 6 two way roof vents.