Trailer Details

Price:  $44,300
Year:  2025
Make/model:  Cimarron  Lonestar
Horses:  Stock
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  24'
Location:  Mt. Pleasant ,  TX
Stock #:  16592

Contact Info

Contact:  Mitzi
Phone:  903-577-7418

2025  Cimarron

Description:  2025 Cimarron Lonestar 24x8, 7'1" tall, aluminum, insulated roof, 2 center cut gates with swinging gate, sliding center gates, escape door with fold down step, full swing half sliding rear gate, pop up roof vents, top and bottom tie rail on exterior, fold down calf gate in nose, 48" wide side ramp, center gates 4" above floor, plexiglass, battery compartment with battery under neck, ele/hyd jack, electric brakes, 7000# axles, spare and 8yr warranty. Give us a call at 903-572-1106. Located at Big Tex Trailers in Mt. Pleasant, TX